TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 13, 2017

Will Trump Do the Unthinkable and Fire Bob Mueller?

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

As the former FBI chief starts investigating, Trump's remaining inner circle is going to extremes to find a way out. READ MORE»

Now Five Men Own Almost as Much Wealth as Half the World's Population

By Paul Buchheit, AlterNet

While Americans fixate on Trump, the super-rich are absconding with our wealth. READ MORE»

The Federal Government Is Setting Up to Protect the Elite from Nuclear Attack While Letting the Rest of Us Die

By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

The U.S. government has secretly been upgrading its secret bunker to protect Washington officials. READ MORE»

Melania Trump Drops Fake Cyber Bullying Campaign She Only Pretended to Care About

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The first lady hasn't said a word about cyber bullying since her husband took office. READ MORE»

'We Do Not Live in a Dictatorship': Wyoming Mayor Removes Portraits of Trump and Pence From Town Hall

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

Jackson Mayor Pete Muldoon compared a requirement to display the pictures to Stalinism. READ MORE»

Entire Cities Are Cutting Ties With Wells Fargo for Its Support of the Dakota Pipeline

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

New York is the most recent city to jump off the Wells Fargo wagon. READ MORE»

The Truth About Jeremy Corbyn's Triumph Staring Us Smack in the Face

By Sam Kriss, AlterNet

Labour's gains offer definitive proof of socialism's popularity, and the viability of a better future. READ MORE»

It Looks Like the Right Wing Has Finally Given Up on the Idea of Gay Conversion Therapy

By David Rosen, CounterPunch

Unfortunately, Vice President Mike Pence has long championed it. READ MORE»

The Hate Crime I Survived

By Matthew Rozsa, Salon

I nearly died at the hands of anti-Semitic classmates 20 years ago. This is why we need to actively resist bigotry. READ MORE»

We Need to Get Corporate America and Police Units out of Pride Marches

By Steven W. Thrasher, The Guardian

At the Capital Pride Parade in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, the No Justice No Pride group interrupted the march to protest the way it's being co-opted. READ MORE»

NRA's News Outlet Blatantly Lied About Comey Hearing to Protect Trump

By Cydney Hargis, Media Matters

NRATV gaslights the public with a fake “direct quote” from Comey. READ MORE»

While Comey Testified, Trump Was Palling Around With the Christian Right

By Peter Montgomery, Right Wing Watch

The president wasn't tweeting. He wasn't watching. He was hanging out with evangelicals. READ MORE»

Fifty Years Ago, the Supreme Court Knocked Down Bans on Interracial Marriage—How Have Things Changed Since Then?

By Peter Dreier, AlterNet

Mildred and Richard Loving’s struggle foreshadowed the more recent battle over same-sex marriage. READ MORE»

LSD Could Help Treat Depression and Anxiety, Researchers Hope

By Melissa Matthews, International Business Times

A new study suggests the drug reduces activity in the part of the brain that deals with negative emotions and could have "positive therapeutic effects." READ MORE»

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