There is a new excitement in America over a new government and one that promises to change things for the better both socially and economically. Alasdair Macleod would like nothnig more than to see the American economy restored to its past greatness. But turning this economy back around with its $36 trillion debt load and debt/GDP ratio over 120% is akin to turnng the Titanic around after it hit the iceberg. But Trump has some extraordinairly talented people joiing his governmet. Can Elon Musk and Viviv Ranswamy actualy cut $2 trillion from the U.S. economy? What about a nation that habitually spends more than it produces. To what heights will inerest rate have to rise to fetch savings have to fund massive budget deficits if Elon and Vivic fail to make those gargantuan cuts that they are promising? What about Trumps tariff policies? Can taroffs help restor prosperity to the U.S. by onshoring manufacturing and mining in America? Even if that is possible what would be the immediate impact on GDP when incomes and tax dollars are lost from fired government workers? While reducing regulation would no doubt have a positive impact, will it be significant enough to produce a significant postive impact? The BRICS countries led by Russia and China and countless more that seek to joing a non dollar trading arrangement with them are clearly seeking to oversea a collapse of western economies and there is reason to believe they are succeeding. Can Trumps desire to end wars, make peace and trade with our adversaries is a nice idea. But will the military industrial complex be willing to forego profits from overthrowing governments and and bombing non coperative nations simlply to enable millions of citizens arund the globe live in peace and restored prosparity? Unknown to most Americans and people living in Western countries, The Russian economy is doing exceptioanly well despite paying a huge price in blood and tresury. How has that nation been able to run budget deficits and enjoy a low debt to GDP number of 20% comapred to the U.S. 120% ratio. Is there something we might learn from that countries economic success? These and many more topics will be explored with Alistar Macleod on my next podcast scheduled to air at 12:00 noon New York t ime on Saturday December 14. I hope you will joing me to hear Alasdair’s thoughts on those topics. Best wishes, Jay Taylor You're currently a free subscriber to J Taylor's Gold Energy & Tech Stocks. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |