TODAY'S TOP STORIES - August 13, 2017

New Files Confirm the JFK Investigation Was Controlled by the CIA— Not 'Botched' as Some Pretended

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

How Politico missed the story. READ MORE»

'We Must Call Evil by Its Name': Republicans Criticize Trump, Jeff Sessions for Ignoring White Supremacists in Charlottesville Statements

By Sophia Tesfaye, Salon

The nation's top leaders condemned the violence on "all sides" —but ignored the white nationalists who stoked it. READ MORE»

White Supremacy in the Age of Trump

By Keri Leigh Merritt,

Never forget that this country has a long history of upper-class whites using racism to their advantage.  READ MORE»

Paul Krugman Says U.S. Held Hostage by 'Axis of Climate Evil'

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

Bad actors control U.S. climate policy and may destroy the planet before they can be stopped. READ MORE»

Trump's Generals Can Save the World from War

By Bill Powell, Newsweek

James Mattis, H.R. McMaster and John Kelly have leverage over Trump. READ MORE»

10 Healthy Food Essentials You Can Easily Make at Home—and Never Have to Buy Again

By Annie B. Bond, AlterNet

It all starts with your pantry. READ MORE»

Bernie Sanders, and the Unexpected Socialist Revival

By Conor Lynch, Salon

Bernie Sanders proved socialism isn't dead—and some young people are even open to the banished ideas of Karl Marx. READ MORE»

Keith Ellison Is in Shock: Kim Jong-un Is ‘Acting More Responsible’ in Nukes Talk than Trump

By Bob Brigham, Raw Story

The Republican National Committee took issue with Ellison’s analysis of the two political leaders.  READ MORE»

7 Dirty Denim Brands Destroying the Environment: Exporting Their Pollution Kills Thousands

By Todd Paglia, AlterNet

Air pollution from the world's largest denim companies is destructive to the people of China. READ MORE»

What the Google Gender 'Manifesto' Really Says about Silicon Valley

By Marie Hicks, The Conversation

Male privilege is so rampant that an engineer felt comfortable distributing a screed that effectively harasses all of his women co-workers. READ MORE»

Ralph Nader on What Should Be Essential Teaching in Schools

By Ralph Nader, Truthdig

Let's start with teaching civic skills and actions. READ MORE»

Being Poor Is More Expensive Than You'd Think

By Joshua Wilkey, This Appalachian Life

For giant corporations, there's big money to be made on the backs of those who have no money. READ MORE»

California Is Growing Way Too Much Weed, and It’s a Problem

By Brendan Bures, The Fresh Toast

The state has an 800 percent surplus. READ MORE»

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