You don’t want to miss this special match opportunity

Free Press


Last month, Free Press turned 20 — marking two decades of our fight to transform our media system.

And while a lot has changed in our fight to create a world where people have the information and opportunities they need to tell their own stories, hold leaders accountable and participate in our democracy, one thing has remained constant since the very beginning:

Our refusal to take a cent from business, government or political parties.

How big we can dream and how hard we can go in pursuit of our goals depends on supporters like you. By donating monthly as a Connector, you help our team plan ahead so we know how much we can budget toward our work to champion our bold agenda at the FCC, push Congress to protect your online privacy, hold tech companies accountable and so much more. And because this work is so urgent, a generous donor is matching every monthly donation dollar for dollar for 12 months straight — but only if you make your first gift by Sept. 30.

We’re looking for 30 new Connectors to fuel the fight: Will you become a Free Press Connector with a monthly gift of just $5 or more today? There’s never been a better time to make this commitment to our work — but make sure you take advantage of this match opportunity before the end of the month. We’ll also send you an exclusive Connector sticker pack!

Thank you so much,

Kimberly Longey

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