A little goes a long way

Free Press

I’ll make it quick.

We reached out in early September to tell you about our goal of signing up 30 new monthly donors by the end of the month to take advantage of an offer from a generous matching donor. Then we got some very big news last week when the FCC officially announced its intention to restore Net Neutrality (and its legal foundation, known as Title II). We felt especially gratified because we’ve been pushing the agency to take this important step.

Amid all of the excitement, we didn’t have a chance to reach back out one more time to remind you of this great opportunity to become a Free Press Connector and lock in your monthly donation. The truth is, a winning week like this is a perfect example of the kind of work — and tangible results — that your support makes possible.

Thankfully, our generous matching donor is extending the deadline through this weekend. If you act now, your gift will be doubled for 12 straight months AND you’ll get a free and exclusive sticker pack (seriously, it’s so exclusive that I can’t even get my hands on a set). We’re so glad you’re in this work with us. Will you invest in what we’re building together by becoming a Free Press Connector with a monthly gift today?

And take a peek at the exclusive Connector sticker pack, available only to supporters who start a monthly gift:

It’s amazing what we can accomplish when we stick together. Thanks for sustaining our work for the long haul.

—Dutch and the rest of the Free Press Action team

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