An all-access pass to the latest news gives everyone their own digital access to stay on top of the latest trends and better understand the current marketplace.
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Central Penn Business Journal
is an all-access pass to the latest online news for your whole team.
Learn More

Are you preparing your 2021 budget? Is your team working from home? Plan ahead and make sure your team stays connected to the latest news with an Enterprise Access Pass to Central Penn Business Journal.

Everyone gets their own digital access to exclusive business news and resources along with daily update emails, breaking news alerts, and more.  To see how Enterprise Access can help your organization in the current climate, click here or contact Shaun Witt at

An Enterprise Access plan benefits organizations that have more than ten people who need up-to-date information and exclusive resources, has people who work remotely, travel between offices, or value digital platforms instead of paper.

Put an Enterprise Access plan in your 2021 budget!
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