
What, Exactly, Is James Comey’s Definition of ‘Leak’?

Comey’s defense is that he met with the president in his capacity as FBI director and immediately wrote a memo about it on FBI equipment, but that memo was for his personal use, not an official FBI document. McCarthy concludes that this distinction is “untenable” and in clear violation of his FBI employment agreement that states, “All information acquired by me in connection with my official duties with the FBI and all official material to which I have access remain the property of the United States of America.”

Williamson: The Scientistic Delusion

The sneering, vehement certitude with which Freudianism was preached until the day before yesterday is startling to revisit—and yet entirely familiar in tone to any reader of, say, Paul Krugman or Ezra Klein. Consider the introduction to the 1920 American edition of Dream Psychology by the long-forgotten Freudian André Tridon, who published well-regarded books about “gland personalities,” linking certain personality types and personality disorders to variations in the endocrine system in a model quite similar to the medieval account of “humors” and their effect on mood and health.

The Rudy Show

Today on the Daily Standard Podcast, editor at large William Kristol discusses his recent trip to Ohio, the latest in efforts to pressure Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein over the DOJ's work, and Rudy Giuliani's bombshell interview with Sean Hannity Wednesday night.

Matt Schlapp is.. Right?

While others have twisted themselves into pretzels to accommodate the demands of the Trump era, the Schlapps have taken the effort to a distinctive conjugal level. These days, their oleaginous talents are devoted to an audience of one. “Before falling asleep each night,” the Times reported, ‘ the couple would lie in bed rehearsing how they would explain this or that Trumpian tweet or uproar on TV the next morning.”

Rudy Says Trump Reimbursed Cohen for Stormy Payments

It’s hard to overstate the significance of what Rudy Giuliani, the newest member of the Trump legal team, revealed in his Wednesday night interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity. In the middle of a wide-ranging discussion of the legal issues surrounding the president and his associates, the former New York City mayor brought up the $130,000 payment by Trump lawyer Michael Cohen to porn actress Stormy Daniels, who claims to have had a sexual affair with Trump years prior to his campaign. Cohen’s payment came just days before the 2016 election, but President Trump has claimed he knew nothing about it and did not know where Cohen got the money.

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Afternoon Links

There are no Afternoon Links today, but wanted to share a housekeeping item: We've dealt with some technical difficulties with our newsletters in the past few days. That's why you've missed The Daily Standard!

We hope to have these resolved soon. Please email with any questions or concerns.


—Jim Swift, deputy online editor.


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