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Enter to Win a Trip to Europe's Coolest Music Festival»
About the Giveaway:
Dance to the beat of your favorite bands at Budapest's island takeover of Sziget. This August 5th, travel alongside other 18-35 year old music enthusiasts through Berlin, Prague, Vienna & Budapest and let Contiki pick up the tab.
What's Included:
9 nights accommodation
1 Sziget Festival ticket
12 meals
Roundtrip flights**
Major sightseeing
Enter to Win
Terms & Conditions:
**Airfare spending of up to $1,500 is only awarded if winner books airfare with Contiki. No purchase is necessary to enter. Must be 18+ years to enter. Entries accepted March 30, 2017 to May 2, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. PDT. See site for full rules and regulations.
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