Also, 35% growth in global offshore wind installations in 2019
View Online | 3.23.20

Editors Note

We at Clarion Energy North America are keeping a close eye on the coronavirus situation globally. For now, our HYDROVISION International, POWERGEN International and DISTRIBUTECH International events are continuing as planned. In the meantime, we will continue to keep you updated with the latest happenings in the renewable energy industry worldwide via the website and this weekly eNewsletter. Please stay safe!

This weeks focus: Wind

Clarion Energy News

More Wind Headlines

EIB backs new Polish wind farms on Baltic coast

Volatile weather sees record wind generation in Europe

IEA chief warns coronavirus must not stall climate efforts

Green jobs in UK could increase 85% in 10 years with government support, says REA

Event Spotlight

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AWEA predicts how COVID-19 will impact the wind industry

GWEC and RE100 join forces to accelerate renewable energy sourcing

Offshore wind poised for exponential growth in U.S.

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