Plus, NRELs tip for boosting solar PV output

As the construction industry works to reduce the carbon footprint of capital projects, owners, engineers and contractors are turning to technology to ensure sustainability. Building information modeling, or BIM, is one digital construction tool the industry is using in the critical design stage. With BIM, you can virtually build the structure to explore design alternatives or create an optimized indoor environment. You can also reduce waste using data linked to each BIM model.

The wind energy deal is part of PGE’s 2021 request for proposals, which led a shortlist of bidders over the summer.

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John Engel

Encore Renewable Energy CEO Chad Farrell joined Episode 22 of the Factor This! podcast to talk about brownfield and energy community clean energy development and how the Inflation Reduction Act is impacting the bankability of these tricky projects.
The company sees an opportunity for distributed power to play a larger role by networking solar + storage systems into virtual power plants.
The project holds two long-term energy storage contracts with Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas and Electric.
The greatest improvements came in climates with low average annual ambient temperatures and moderate to high average annual wind speeds.
The projects would more than double Denmark’s current installed offshore wind capacity and form the basis for a Northern European green energy hub.
Join us on February 6 in the inaugural GridTECH Connect Forum™ — speakers and attendees from utilities, developers, regulators, grid operators, and more will grapple with DER interconnection challenges facing the California market.
Episode 2 of the Texas Power Podcast is now available wherever you get your podcasts. Give it a listen & download today!
Episode 22 featuring Encore Renewable Energy’s CEO Chad Farrell is available now!
Students and post-doctoral employees from the University of Delaware will have the opportunity to do stack assembly at scale, thereby helping to build the next-generation clean energy workforce.
The technology taps into aerodynamics similar to airfoils on a race car to capture and amplify each building's airflow.

Join 400+ mining and energy experts exploring renewables, decarbonization, electrification, ESG, energy storage, and renewable fuels at the Energy and Mines Toronto Summit.
This is the 10th annual event connecting renewable energy experts with mining companies looking to invest in renewable energy and decarbonization technologies in order to meet net-zero targets.

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