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Windows 10: A cheat sheet

This comprehensive guide covers must-know Windows 10 details including features, system requirements, upgrade options, and Microsoft's Windows-as-a-service strategy.

More from TechRepublic

Microsoft's Edge to morph into a Chromium-based, cross-platform browser

Surface Hub 2 and the future of Windows

How to modify the Microsoft Windows 10 update process to suit your timetable

Mozilla and Qualcomm unveil native ARM64 Firefox version for Windows 10

Open source predictions for 2019

Featured download

Microsoft OneNote: An insider's guide (free PDF)

OneNote, Microsoft's cross-platform notebook tool, lets you tag, flag, recognize, record, and search just about anything. This ebook looks at how you can get the most out of OneNote and what improvements lie ahead.

The latest from ZDNet

The Microsoft 365 Insider test program is open for business

Microsoft is right. The iPad is a kid's toy

Windows 10: Microsoft pulls patch that gives Surface Book 2 Blue Screen of Death

Microsoft: Here's why we need AI facial-recognition laws right now

Multimedia spotlight

From 1990s Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge: Classic Windows browsers

Today's recommended downloads

Top 20 Apple keyboard shortcuts for business users (free PDF)


Special Report: A Guide to Data Center Automation (free PDF)


Google Cloud Platform: An insider’s guide (free PDF)


Special report: How to implement AI and machine learning (free PDF)


Special report: Tech budgets 2019: A CXO's guide (free PDF)


Featured survey

How will 5G transform your business? What is your company doing to prepare? Can your company's existing/legacy infrastructure systems take advantage of 5G? What may hinder your 5G adoption? Tell us! Take this 5-minute survey and get a free copy of the final research report.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Cyberwar and the future of cybersecurity

Today's security threats have expanded in their scope and seriousness. There can now be millions--or even billions--of dollars at risk when information security isn't handled properly. And beyond that, cybersecurity will define many of the international conflicts of the future.

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