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Windows 10 May 2019 Update: An insider’s guide (free PDF)

The release of version 1903 brings changes that affect everyday users, business leaders, and IT decision makers. This ebook highlights the most significant new features and explains what you should be aware of before and after installation.

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Windows 10 apps: Which should you keep and which should you dump? (free PDF)

If you’ve decided it’s time to declutter your Windows 10 system, this ebook will help steer you through the apps worth jettisoning, those worth hanging onto, and those you’re stuck with.

The latest from ZDNet

Windows 10 May 2019 Update installation stops on some AMD systems

Windows 10 to warn about insecure WiFi networks using WEP or TKIP

Systems administrators: You need to know about this Windows 10 1903 patching change

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Photos: The 10 most innovative states in America

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White Paper: The Seven Challenges to Online Identity Verification

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(8x8, Inc.)

Tech Pro Research: IT Budget Research Report 2019


Technical Deployment and Configuration Guide For Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 v2.0


Featured survey

Are there benefits to a multicloud approach? Let us know. Take this quick survey and get a free copy of the final research report.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Prepare for serverless computing

When AWS Lambda launched, it came with an interesting concept: enterprises would buy business functions and the compute, storage and networking tasks would be managed in the background. What returns does serverless computing deliver for the enterprise, and which vendors deliver the best options?

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