Microsoft OneDrive: A cheat sheet; Microsoft's Power Platform gives IT more control and more Teams integration; how Microsoft Office is useful for developers
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Today's Top Story

Windows 10 November 2019 Update: Version 1909 is available now--here's what's new

Windows 10 Version 1909 is now available as an optional feature update. Electing to install it will add several subtle quality-of-life features and improve your user experience.

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Microsoft OneDrive: A cheat sheet

Microsoft's Power Platform gives IT more control and more Teams integration

Windows 10: A cheat sheet

How Microsoft Office is useful for developers

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How to manage a startup: 6 tips (free PDF)

If you are the owner of a startup, then you know there's all kinds of work that needs to be done. From managing projects, client expectations, and employees to handling finances, emails, and addressing issues, there’s no end to your to-do list.

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Vendor comparison: Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud

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A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Autonomous vehicles and the enterprise

Driverless cars are the world's most prominent example of AI and robotics in action. But driverless trucks, semis, delivery vehicles, drones, and other UAVs are poised to unleash a new level of automation in the enterprise.

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