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Windows tip of the week

How to sign in to Windows using Azure Active Directory

by Ed Bott

With any version of Windows, you can sign in with your choice of multiple account types. Local accounts are the classic variety; domain accounts are appropriate on enterprise networks with Active Directory; and a Microsoft account lets you sync individual settings to the cloud.

Windows 10 offers a fourth sign-in option, using an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) account managed by your organization. This type of account doesn't require a domain controller or Active Directory infrastructure.

If you have an Office 365 Business or Enterprise subscription, you already have a free Azure AD directory, with an account for everyone in your organization. (Sorry, Office 365 Home and Personal subscriptions don't include the Azure AD infrastcture.)

Signing in to Windows 10 with an Azure AD account unlocks access to all of the resources your organization's administrator has assigned you. To manage your account, bookmark this link:

After signing in with your Azure AD credentials, click your user name in the upper right corner to access your profile and manage devices, BitLocker keys, and security settings.

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