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Windows 10 October 2018 Update: New .ZIP bug could lead to data loss, admits Microsoft

The bug occurs when copying or moving compressed files from a .ZIP folder to a regular or protected folder.

More from TechRepublic

How G Suite's real-time presence feature aids collaboration in Microsoft Office apps

9 shortcuts for working more efficiently with Excel expressions

Falcon: A tiny Windows 10 tablet/laptop that fits in your jacket pocket

How to make your photo and video content stand out amongst the competition

2 easy ways to deploy Adobe CC packages in the enterprise

Featured download

Microsoft OneNote: An insider's guide (free PDF)

OneNote, Microsoft's cross-platform notebook tool, lets you tag, flag, recognize, record, and search just about anything. This ebook looks at how you can get the most out of OneNote and what improvements lie ahead.

The latest from ZDNet

Windows Defender becomes first antivirus to run inside a sandbox

How Microsoft is moving LinkedIn's 14,000 employees from Google services to Office 365

Microsoft finalizes its $7.5 billion GitHub acquisition

Worst Windows 10 version ever? Microsoft's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad October

Multimedia spotlight

Photos: Have some scary fun with these Halloween techie gifts and gear

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

From cloud to edge: The next IT transformation

The combination of 5G and edge computing will unleash new capabilities from real-time analytics to automation to self-driving cars and trucks.

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