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Windows tip of the week

The surprisingly useful Shutdown command

By Ed Bott

If you want to shut down a PC, you can always use the Power menu on Start. But the Shutdown command, which runs from a Command Prompt window, can help with a few tasks you can't do from any menu.

To see the full syntax, open a Command Prompt window and type Shutdown /? Here are a few options you might find especially useful:

  • Shutdown /i - Show a graphical interface (note that this does not include all options available via command-line switches)
  • Shutdown /s - Full shutdown
  • Shutdown /r - Full shutdown and restart
  • Shutdown /h - Hibernate the local computer
  • For UEFI-based Windows 10 PCs, you have two extra options that can be invaluable:
  • Shutdown /s /fw - After a full shutdown, opens firmware user interface on next start
  • Shutdown /r /o - Restarts and displays the advanced boot options menu

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