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Dec 1, 2017

Wiss-Nama Newsletter

WISS-NAMA is the newsletter of the Science and Technology Department of the German Embassy, New Delhi. The title is a combination of a German and an Indian word: WISS, an abbreviation of the German word 'Wissenschaft' (meaning science), and NAMA, a word used in Sanskrit and Persian contexts, standing for 'compendium' or 'handbook'.

In this issue

News from Indo-German Cooperation
Highlights from Germany and India
Upcoming Events and Conferences
Calls for Proposals: Funding opportunities and Scholarships
Know the Indo-German science landscape: Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru
Did You Know?
Newsletter Feedback

News from Indo-German Cooperation

Seminar on Frugal Innovations at German Embassy 

“India looks back at a long history of frugal innovations. The invention of the Zero, for example, was simple, cost-effective and extremely successful”, said Dr. Jasper Wieck, Deputy Chief of Missions of the German Embassy, as he introduced the topic in his opening speech at a seminar on frugal innovations on November 28. In the additional presentations Dr. Stephan Buse and Dr. Rajnish Tiwari from the Centre of Frugal Innovations of the Technical University, Hamburg, gave an account of their knowledge from Research and Industry. Prof Aravind Chinchure of Symbiosis University Pune as well as Dr. Shyam Vasudeva Rao, Founder and Director of Forus Health Pvt. Ltd. gave insights into the Indian market on the basis of concrete examples for frugal innovations. A Science Circle Lecture was organised at the German House on November 29 on the same topic and was aimed towards students and researchers dealing with this topic. 

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Indo-German Symposium on Science Communication in Delhi and Chandigarh

German Embassy New Delhi, in collaboration with the German House for Innovation and Research DWIH New Delhi, organised an Indo-German Symposium on Science Communication under the title ‘Bringing Science to people’ on November 7 in Delhi and November 8 in Chandigarh. Dr. Jasper Wieck, Deputy Chief of Mission, gave the opening address at the symposium in Delhi where he underlined the importance of the Indo-German cooperation in the field of science and technology. Indian and German panelists held a lively panel discussion. The second part of the symposium was organized in collaboration with the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Mohali and the Humboldt Club, Chandigarh, and took place at NIPER. The panel discussion with eminent panelists from India and Germany was very well received and was followed by an interactive Q&A session. 

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Indo-German Dialogue on Youth Innovation

The German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH) together with Technical University Munich (TUM) and its partner institutes in India organised an Indo-German Dialogue on Youth Innovation from November 13-18. A group of young researchers, leaders and entrepreneurs from India and Germany presented their work to their peers in Delhi, Bengaluru and Mumbai and exchanged ideas with the audience. Three young innovators from Germany, Thomas Ruck, Mariana Avezum and Marcella Hansch, came to the German Embassy to exchange ideas on the possible opportunities for cooperation between both the countries.

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Green Talents 2017

25 winners from 21 countries out of 602 applicants from over 95 countries were selected as the ‘Green Talents 2017’, tomorrow’s leading scientists in the field of sustainable development. Three of the winners are from India. The winners were invited for a two week travel to Germany’s sustainability hotspots within the research field from October 16 to 27. In Germany they not only gained insights into the country’s innovation system but also into funding possibilities, institutes and universities as well as exchanged their ideas and projects with leading experts in their fields. The theme this year was ‘Sustainable Production and Consumption’. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) invites young researchers from all over the world every year to take part in the "Green Talents - International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development". The winners are awarded for their creative and intelligent solutions to the pressing questions related to environment and sustainability research. 

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Highlights from Germany and India

UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, November,, 2017

A two-week UN Climate Change Conference was held from November 6-17, 2017, in Bonn. The conference attracted 22,000 participants, and 11,000 delegates, 1,200 journalists and 9,500 observers. German Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks has reported that the Climate Change Conference has made good progress on implementing the Paris Agreement. The conference was also the first demonstrably environmentally friendly UN Climate Change Conference. . 

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Upcoming Events and Conferences

Information & Networking Event: EU-India Call on Water 

“Information & Networking Event: EU-India Call on Water” will take place in Bengaluru on November 30, 2017. This event is co-organized by the Research and Innovation Section of the Delegation of the European Union to India, (EU), the Department of Science & Technology (DST) and the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India in association with Indian Institute of Science (IISc). The event targets potential applicants to the EU-India Call on Water for joint project proposals. It will offer an exceptional opportunity to build quality partnerships with academics, researchers, industrial stakeholders, SMEs and government actors from Europe and India. The aim of this event is to promote the flagship call on Water, jointly funded by EC-DST-DBT. The first Information and Networking event was held in Delhi on November 3, 2017.

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UrbanLab Coimbatore: Integrated Urban Development and Co-Production for Indian Cities

Indo-German Smart Initiative (IGSI) invites participants for the “UrbanLab Coimbatore: Integrated Urban Development and Co-Production for Indian Cities” from December 6-8, 2017.  By working on actual planning tasks, participants of UrbanLabs will investigate programmatic gaps in recent smart city proposals and will furthermore explore methods of integrated and collaborative planning processes. Overall topic of the second UrbanLab in India will be the development of Smart Campus projects as prototypes for the implementation of smart infrastructures in urban contexts. 

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International Congress of Cell Biology, Hyderabad, India, 2018

The International Federation of Cell Biology (IFCB), the Asian-Pacific Organization of Cell Biology (APOCB) and the Indian Society of Cell Biology (ISCB) are hosting a joint tripartite meeting in India. The meeting will take place at the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology - a CSIR laboratory in Hyderabad from January 27-31, 2018. The title of this meeting is “The Dynamic Cell: From Molecules and Networks to Form and Function”. All cell biologists from across the world are invited to participate in this congress. 

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DAAD Events

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) will be organizing a series of events for Indian students and researchers interested in pursuing studies or research in Germany and webinars for students joining German universities shortly.  

Webinar: The NIT Double Master’s Program in Technology Management: Become both: Engineer AND Manager

December 14, 2017, 15:00, any place convenient to the participant with a good internet connection.

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Info Session – Higher Studies & Research Opportunities in Germany

Chennai: December 12, 2017, 11:00, DAAD IC Chennai, 20/10 Jaganathan Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600034

Find out everything about study and research in Germany - eligibility, admission procedures, scholarships and more.

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Info Session – Study & Research in Germany

New Delhi: December 12, 2017, 15:00, German House, 2 Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021

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Calls for Proposals: Funding opportunities and Scholarships

International Disaster and Risk Management – IKARIM

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has announced the IKARIM - Call for Proposals within the “Research for civil security 2012-2017” framework programme. The IKARIM grant aims to transfer know-how and to form international partnerships for disaster risk management. The focus is on innovative, application-oriented cooperation projects that contribute to population protection, disaster prevention and the protection of critical infrastructures as well as the development of early warning systems in selected African and Asian countries. Experts of Germany and the respective country will cooperate within the collaborative projects. 

Application deadline: December 15, 2017

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DBT-BMBF joint call on ‘Bioinformatics in Health Research’

The Department of Biotechnology, India and Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, invite applications from scientists working in universities, national or private R&D laboratories/institutes for a programme that facilitates bilateral cooperation in biotechnology between scientific communities of India and Germany. The priority area of this programme is ‘Bioinformatics in Health Research’.

Application Deadline: January 15, 2018

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Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies postdoctoral program

The Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) offers up to three postdoctoral positions starting on October 1, 2018. It provides an attractive environment for researchers to pursue their own research projects within the scope of the Institute’s research program in the fields of economic sociology, political economy or contemporary history. 

Application deadline: January 31, 2018

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IGSTC 2+2 Call 2017

Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC) invites first stage proposals for joint R&D+I projects of industrial relevance in 2+2 Mode of Partnership in the overall thematic area Advanced Manufacturing and New Materials, with subtopics such as, Industry 4.0, machine building, processing technologies for new materials and light weight design and processes. Applicants from public and private non-profit research organisations, public and private institutions of higher education, universities, and public or private companies having R&D bases are eligible to apply. 

Application deadline: February 13, 2018

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EU-India Water Cooperation on Research and innovation

European Commission – Horizon 2020 and Indian Department of Science and Technology and Indian Department of Biotechnology invite applications for cooperation among the researchers and institutions in India and Europe in the field of water. Indian partners from recognized public/private funded academic or research institutions, national R&D laboratories, R&D entities having recognition can apply. 

Application deadline: February 28, 2018

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International Media Studies – Master’s Programme

Deutsche Welle, Germany’s international broadcaster is offering the Master’s Program “International Media Studies“. The bilingual, full-time program for further education combines topics like media and development, journalism, communication science and media economics, whilst developing skills and competencies that are important for the world of the media. This practice-oriented program optimally prepares graduates for a career in the international media industry. The Master’s Program is a joint project from the University of Bonn, the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and Deutsche Welle. Successful applicants must have a bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification as well as one year of professional experience in a media-related field after having obtained their B.A.. In addition, they need to provide proof of their language skills in both German and English.

Application Deadline: March 31, 2018

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Know the Indo-German science landscape: Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru

To acquaint our readers with the scientific scenario in India and Germany and to highlight the Indo-German cooperation in the field of science and technology, we would like to introduce one German or Indian Science institution in every edition, as a feature in our newsletter.

Panjab University, Chandigarh Campus
Panjab University, Chandigarh Campus
(©Panjab University)

Panjab University

Panjab University was established in the year 1882 as University of Punjab in Lahore (now in Pakistan). It has 78 teaching and research departments and 15 Chairs for teaching and research in Chandigarh. It has 189 affiliated/constituent colleges spread over Punjab. The academic institutes on the campus are grouped under Faculties of Arts, Science, Languages, law, Education and Fine Arts, Business Management, Engineering and Technology among others. Internationally the PU was ranked 801-100 in the QS World University Rankings of 2018. The same institute ranked it 301-350 in Asia and 151-200 among BRICS nations in 2016. The university has a number of international and national collaborations including that with Germany. Faculty at the Panjab University promotes regional and international academic and cultural exchange and works together with German organisations like DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), DAAD and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. PU has also produced notable Alumni such as, Sushma Swaraj, Kalpana Chawla, Kiran Bedi, among others. 

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Did You Know?

Saturn’s rings are primarily made of ‘water ice’ mixed with dust and other chemicals.


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