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Jan 19, 2018

Wiss-Nama Newsletter

WISS-NAMA is the newsletter of the Science and Technology Department of the German Embassy, New Delhi. The title is a combination of a German and an Indian word: WISS, an abbreviation of the German word 'Wissenschaft' (meaning science), and NAMA, a word used in Sanskrit and Persian contexts, standing for 'compendium' or 'handbook'.

In this issue

News from Indo-German Cooperation
Highlights from India and Germany
Upcoming Events and Conferences
Calls for Proposals: Funding opportunities and Scholarships
Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
Did You Know?

News from Indo-German Cooperation

Science Circle Lecture at the German Embassy 

Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Brandenburg, Professor at Ilmenau University of Technology and Director at Fraunhofer Institute of Digital Media Technology, gave an inspiring lecture in the framework of the Science Circle Lectures organized by the German Embassy New Delhi in collaboration with the German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH) and the Fraunhofer Society, Germany on January 11, 2018. Prof. Brandenburg has been a driving force behind some of today’s most innovative digital audio technologies, notably the mp3 and MPEG audio standards. Thus, this science circle lecture took the audience back to the early days of developing such technologies. Dr. Jasper Wieck, Deputy Chief of Mission, underlined the importance of scientific cooperation in his opening speech. The lecture was followed by the annual DWIH reception. 

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Ambassador Dr. Martin Ney: Indo-German Science Cooperation fructifies

German Ambassador to India, Dr. Martin Ney, underlined the utmost positive development of the Indo-German cooperation in the field of Science at the Humboldt-Colloquium in Bangalore. The cooperation between India and Germany began in the 1950s when Germany supported with the establishment of the first IIT in Madras. Today the science cooperation is diverse and an important pillar of the bilateral relations between both countries, according to Dr. Ney. Germany and India work very closely together at the particle-accelerators FAIR and Petra III in Germany.  

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Ambassador Dr. Ney at the Lindau Alumni Meeting 2017

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Office in Delhi hosted the “Lindau Alumni Meeting 2017” on 1st and 2nd December to celebrate 16 years of DFG-DST (Department of Science and Technology, Government of India) collaboration in supporting young Indian researchers to participate in the Annual Lindau Nobel laureates meeting. Ambassador Dr. Martin Ney gave the opening speech, where he emphasised the significance of Indo-German Science Cooperation by highlighting the growing attraction of German universities for Indian students and mentioning large Indo-German research projects. 45 Lindau-Alumni took part in the meeting. 

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Highlights from India and Germany

K. Sivan is the new Indian space secretary

Rocket Scientist K. Sivan is the next Secretary of the Department of Space, and Chairman of the Space Commission and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). He will shortly take over from A.S. Kiran Kumar as the ninth head of the Space establishment. A graduate in aeronautical engineering from the Madras Institute of Technology, Masters of Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru and doctorate in aerospace engineering from IIT Bombay, Dr. Sivan was the Director of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre. 

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Upcoming Events and Conferences

Falling Walls Lab India 2018

The DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service and DWIH - German House for Research and Innovation New Delhi, together with the Jadavpur University Kolkata, bring the next edition of the Falling Walls Lab India 2018 on April 7, 2018. This initiative is supported by the Federal Foreign Office, Germany. Falling Walls Lab is a unique competition that provides young researchers and entrepreneurs a platform to present their research project business plan or social initiative. The winner gets to compete with Falling Walls Lab winners from across the world at the global Lab finale that takes place in Berlin on 8 November 2018, and also gets a ticket to the prestigious Falling Walls Conference on 9 November where leaders from science, industry and policy-making meet. 

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DAAD Events

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) will be organizing a series of events for Indian students and researchers interested in pursuing studies or research in Germany and webinars for students joining German universities shortly.  

Higher Studies and Research Opportunities in Germany

Find out everything about study and research in Germany - eligibility, admission procedures, scholarships and more.

Chennai: January 23, 2018, 11:00 hrs, DAAD IC Chennai, 20/10 Jaganathan Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600034

To register

Multi-Country Higher Education Presentation and Mini Fair

Chennai, January 24, 2018 9:30 hrs, SSN College of Engineering Chennai

Register at the college

Webinar: Master’s at HECTOR School of Engineering and Management (KIT)

January 24, 2018 15:00 hrs, any place convenient to the participant with a good internet connection.

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Info Session – Study and Research in Germany

Find out everything about study and research in Germany - eligibility, admission procedures, scholarships and more.

Mumbai: January 29, 2018 13:15 hrs, Library, 1st Floor, Goethe Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan, Kala Ghoda, Fort, Mumbai

International Higher Education Fair

Vellore: February 23, 2018 9:30 hrs, VIT University Vellore

Register at the university


Calls for Proposals: Funding opportunities and Scholarships

Positions at the Max Planck Institutes

Tenure-Track Research Group Leader in Economic Sociology 

The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) is seeking a research group leader in the field of economic sociology. The MPIfG aims to develop an empirically based theory of the social and po¬litical foundations of modern economies by investigating the interrelation be¬tween the economy, society, and politics. The precise focus of the group leader’s research field is open. The successful candidate will contribute to the research program of the MPIfG. Applicants must have several years of postdoctoral research experience. A PhD in sociology or a related discipline and an excellent research track record are required. 

Application deadline: January 31, 2018

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Senior Researcher in Political Economy 

The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) is seeking a senior re-searcher in political economy with a substantive focus on the analysis of growth models; social blocs and social coalitions undergirding growth models; and/or the politics of macroeconomic policy. Applicants are required to have completed a PhD in political science, sociology, or economics, and show a promise of excellence in their publication record.

Application deadline: March 2, 2018

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Senior Researcher in Quantitative Methods 

The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) is seeking a senior researcher with excellent skills in quantitative methods and substantive research interests in political economy or economic sociology.  The successful applicant should have in-depth knowledge of quantitative research methods, especially with regard to the design and analysis of large surveys. Applicants are required to have completed a PhD in political science, sociology, economics, or statistics.

Application deadline: March 2, 2018

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IGSTC 2+2 Call 2017

First Stage Proposals are invited for joint R&D+I projects of industrial relevance in 2+2 Mode of Partnership in overall thematic area Advanced Manufacturing and New Materials, with subtopics, including Industry 4.0, machine building, process technologies for new materials including nanomaterials and light weight design and processes. Applicants from public and private non-profit research organisations, public and private institutions of higher education, universities, and public or private companies having R&D bases are eligible to apply. Indo-German Science and Technology Centre (IGSTC) is the flagship of the scientific cooperation between Germany and India. Germany and India finance the Centre with a yearly amount of 4 million Euros each. This underlines the high importance, which both the countries give to scientific cooperation. 

Application deadline: February 13, 2018

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EU-India Water Cooperation on Research and Innovation Joint Call for Proposals - 2017- 2018

The EU-India S&T Agreement aims to support excellent research on priority areas which can best be addressed by a multinational approach. This initiative should facilitate cooperation among the researchers and institutions in India and Europe in the field of water. Joint proposal for a collaborative research and innovation project should be submitted by a consortium of at least three legal entities from India and three legal entities from Europe. 

Application deadline: February 27, 2018

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International Max Planck Research School for Global Biogeochemical Cycles (IMPRS-gBGC)

In cooperation with the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry offers a unique and flexible research program that grants German and foreign students a broad selection of learning opportunities while still maintaining a research focus. The IMPRS-gBGC offers a PhD program specializing in global biogeochemistry and related Earth System sciences. Applications from invited from well-motivated and highly-qualified students from all over the world. Applicants should hold (or should be about to receive) a Master of Science or equivalent degree in natural sciences. 

Application deadline: February 27, 2018

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Doctoral Positions in Economic Sociology and Political Economy 

The International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Con-stitution of the Economy (IMPRS-SPCE), conducted jointly by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and the University of Cologne, with the Uni-versity of Duisburg-Essen as an associated partner, invites excellent candidates to apply for its doctoral program. Doctoral researchers take part in the intellectual life of the Institute and the two universities and can spend time at partner institutions abroad. Candidates with a two-year master’s degree or equivalent qualification in politi¬cal science, sociology, organization studies, history, or related fields are welcome to apply. 

Application deadline: February 28, 2018

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Doctoral Fellowships at the Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instability in Market Societies 

The Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instability in Market Societies (MaxPo) in Paris invites applications for doctoral fellowships. Fellowship recipients are required to apply for formal enroll¬ment in the doctoral program in sociology or political science at Sciences Po in Paris. Research topics of applicants should be related to economic sociology, political economy, or economic or political history. The MaxPo PhD program runs in close collaboration with the doctoral program of the International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy (IMPRSSPCE) in Cologne. 

Application deadline: March 15, 2018

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Call for proposals of "Bioeconomy International"

Bioeconomy International invites applications from candidates for cooperation projects with partners in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, India, Malaysia, Russia and Vietnam. Projects in the frame of „Bioeconomy International“ shall significantly contribute to at least one of the following fields of action of the National Research Strategy Bioeconomy 2030, including securing global nutrition, ensuring sustainable agricultural production, producing safe and healthy food, using renewable resources for industry and developing biomass-based energy. The aim of this program is to fund German partners (universities, research organisations and industry) in international consortia.

Application deadline: April 16, 2018

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Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics

To acquaint our readers with the scientific scenario in India and Germany and to highlight the Indo-German cooperation in the field of science and technology, we would like to introduce one German or Indian Science institution in every edition, as a feature in our newsletter.

Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics

The Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics explores who aesthetically appreciates what, for which reasons and under which situational and historical circumstances, and analyzes the functions of aesthetic practices and preferences for individuals and societies. The MPIEA is currently the only research institution in the world that is solely dedicated to interdisciplinary research on aesthetic perception and evaluation. The objective of the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics is to arrive at a deeper understanding of the mechanisms, elicitors and functions of aesthetic liking and aesthetic preferences: Who appreciates what and why and under which conditions? And what functions do aesthetic practices and preferences serve for individuals, social groups and societies? The research focuses primarily on the foundations of aesthetic evaluation, perception and experience. 

The Max Planck Society conducts basic research in the natural sciences, life sciences, and humanities. Since its foundation in 1948, eighteen Nobel laureates have emerged from its ranks. The Max Planck Society with its 84 Max Planck Institutes and facilities is the international flagship for German science.

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Did You Know?

A lightning strike can reach a temperature of 30,000°C or 54,000°F


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