Return-to-Office Mandates Are (Finally, Unquestionably) Dead
  Inc. Top 10  
With 4 Words, Warren Buffett Explained Why He's Cutting Off the Gates Foundation and Taught a Lesson for Every Leader  
Return-to-Office Mandates Are (Finally, Unquestionably) Dead  
A New Federal Overtime Rule Goes Into Effect. Here's What to Know  
Power Partner Final Deadline July 12  
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If You Answer Yes to These 3 Questions, It May Be Time to Rethink Your Goals, According to a Psychologist and Brain Expert  
With 7 Short Words at the Olympic Trials, Simone Biles Just Taught a Brilliant Lesson in Success  
Is That AI Safe? Startup Anthropic Will Pay to Check  
Using Simple Math to Predict Your Business Future  
How Much Should I Tell a Team Whose Boss Is on a Performance Plan?  
The Ultimate Antidote to Self-Doubt? Just 1 Sentence From Legendary Fashion Designer Diane von Furstenberg  
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