Bots, fraud and particularly brand safety--given YouTube's recent controversies--are among the reasons "programmatic advertising" has become a dirty term in some marketers' minds. Yet, there appears to be an acceleration toward direct programmatic (or "premium" in the parlance of some industry players) that shows the marketplace may be adapting with more urgency than in the...
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Digital & Tech Daily
April 20, 2017
Today's top news for digital marketers
While moving away from real-time bidding
By Christopher Heine
Bots, fraud and particularly brand safety--given YouTube's recent controversies--are among the reasons "programmatic advertising" has become a dirty term in some marketers' minds. Yet, there appears to be an acceleration toward direct programmatic (or "premium" in the parlance of some industry players) that shows the marketplace may be adapting with more urgency than in the...
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Could a 'brain mouse' be coming?
By Marty Swant
Promoted Content by Nielsen
Marketing at future speed Marketing at future speed
The data vendor works with all the major social platforms
By Christopher Heine
Now, anything can be overlaid with 3-D graphics
By Lauren Johnson
App's discover tool will help users find chatbots
By Marty Swant
Facebook is rolling out a second version of Messenger, with discovery tools, music and many more branded bots. As a part of Messenger 2.0, music streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music are building chatbot services to let users listen to songs straight from the messaging app. Facebook, which announced the news today at its...
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It may even be helping bars a bit
By Christopher Heine
A year ago, Foursquare caught the data world's attention with an accurate prediction that Chipotle's store sales--thanks to the fast-casual brand's E. coli problem--would fall by 30 percent. The location-based service's anonymized foot traffic stats, which it combines with other data such as U.S. Census reports for weighted analyses, has been gaining credibility in retail...
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New stats shed light on an emerging rivalry
By Christopher Heine
Some people are saying that Snapchat is losing users to Instagram in droves because of the latter's eight-month-old Stories feature. Well, if there is a substantial Snapchat-to-Instagram exodus happening, girls and young women do not seem to be a major part of it, per Episode's new data. The mobile-minded content network polled 50,070 of its...
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18,000 locations are getting equipped with digital screens
By Lauren Johnson
If you regularly fill your tank at a gas station, chances are you've spent a few minutes standing idly by your car. Now, advertisers want to serve you ads while you wait. State Farm is running video ads on digital screens built into the pumps at 18,000 national gas stations as part of a partnership...
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Social giant introduces the Camera Effects Platform
By Marty Swant
Hours after Snapchat debuted features for augmenting the world beyond silly filters for your face, Facebook did the same. Today at its annual F8 developers conference in San Jose, Calif., Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg outlined his vision for augmented reality, explaining that the phone camera should be the first AR device--rather than AR glasses like...
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The company called it a 'horrific crime' and provided a time line
By Marty Swant
A day after a suspect killed an elderly man in Cleveland and streamed it on Facebook Live, the social network said it's reviewing the way it receives reports about content that violates its policies. In a blog post published today, the company called the event a "horrific crime" that has "no place on Facebook and...
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