With TVL At All-Time Highs, The Lightning Network’s Time Has Come

By Peter Chawaga

This week, the Lightning Network set a new record for the dollar value held in its payment channels at $12.6 million, according to data shared by Bitcoin Visuals.

This metric is also known as the total value locked (TVL) in Bitcoin’s second layer payments solution and demonstrates the amount of money that users have moved into the channels, which let them quickly and efficiently transmit value to one another, before balances are settled and confirmed on the Bitcoin blockchain.

The factors that led to the new record are fairly easy to detect. For one, the price of BTC has risen by approximately 3x since a low in March 2020. (So, a more earnest metric for TVL might be the fact that 1,060 BTC are locked in payment channels, which is close to the record of 1,104.676 BTC set on May 9, 2019. After all, 1 BTC is always worth 1 BTC.) For another, LND started supporting wumbo channels last month, which allows users to deposit more money into Lightning Network channels and send larger transactions.

Quick Digression Into Wumbo

Wumbo channels, which are named after a line of dialogue from SpongeBob SquarePants, remove a limit on the amount of BTC that can be held in a channel (capped at 0.16 BTC) and a cap on how large individual payments can be, which was capped because of the relative novelty of the Lightning Network. For a payment channel to circumvent the caps via wumbo, users on both sides must signal their desire.

“If both sides of a new channel agree to wumbo each other by setting ‘option_i_wumbo_you_wumbo,’ they can build channels with capacity higher than 167.77216mBTC,” Lightning developer ZmnSCPxj explained to the Lightning Dev mailing list in November 2018. “A node that advertises ‘option_wumborama’ allows any node to build channels with capacity above the limit. Please blame one of the persons attending the [second Lightning Development Summit] for this term.”

Eclair and c-lightning adopted wumbo support earlier in 2020, and with LND’s more recent adoption it stands to reason that a significant portion of Lightning users are no longer constrained by channel limitations.

Back To TVL

So, obviously, removing the channel capacity limit enables a higher TVL on Lightning. But it doesn’t mean users will take advantage — a new record in TVL indicates that there is a demand for more robust use of Lightning channels that is now being met. 

The growth of the value being transacted through Lightning, plus the rise of BTC price and the removal of channel caps that are likely fueling it, are all indicators that the technology is growing and that it’s most promising second layer is finding success. And these aren’t the only bullish metrics. The number of Lightning nodes is at an all-time high and the number of Lightning channels is near its record following growth in August.

The Lightning Network has been ballyhooed widely throughout the Bitcoin community. But, like a lot of Bitcoin stuff, it’s potential largely outweighs its actual use. That’s why these record metrics are worth parsing and celebrating — as the Lightning Network goes, so goes Bitcoin as a usable and scalable tool for shifting the way we transact value with one another. 

The more value that people are locking into Lightning, the more Bitcoin is succeeding.

Bitcoin News Roundup


Pornhub Adds BItcoin Payments Option

Adult entertainment site Pornhub announced in a tweet that it now accepts bitcoin and litecoin payments for its premium service. The site has accepted verge cryptocurrency payments since 2018 and has integrated tether payments for entertainers. As the most popular and fundamentally sound cryptocurrency, bitcoin should offer a better payments solution for one of the most popular websites on the internet.

Bithumb Raided By Local Authorities

South Korean news outlet Seoul Newspaper reported that Bithumb, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the country, was raided by local authorities. The exchange’s chairman has been accused of fraud following a $25 million token sale hosted by Bithumb that some investors say lost them millions of dollars.

IRS Declares Crypto Microstasking Taxable Income

An IRS memo indicates that the agency considers cryptocurrency earned from crowdsourcing platforms to be taxable income. This would suggest that bitcoin earned as rewards or payments for “microtasks” have to be reported in tax filings. 

Tesla Employee Offered 1 BTC To Install Ransomware

Elon Musk confirmed that a ransomware offer was extended to an Tesla employee, with the attacker offering $1 million plus an upfront payment of 1 BTC for that employee to install ransomware on the company’s computer network. The employee alerted Tesla staff, which contacted the FBI. The agency then arrested the suspected attacker in late August.

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