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11 OCT 2020View in Browser
Today's top news
Woman files ADA lawsuits across US as ‘tester’ of compliance
Her lawsuits contend lodging establishments and their online booking services failed to identify accessible rooms, provide an option for booking an accessible room, and provide sufficient...
Body of Mass. man recovered on shores of remote Maine lake
The body of a missing Massachusetts man was recovered on the shores of Little Beaver Pond on Saturday.
2 motorcyclists die in separate crashes on Saturday
Both crashes remain under investigation.
Doctor says Trump won’t transmit virus, stays mum on tests
The memo did not declare Trump had tested negative for the virus.
Maine musicians can get $1,000 through new relief fund
A Maine arts nonprofit is giving $70,000 to state musicians who haven’t been able to perform because of the coronavirus.
Where to find Maine adventures that feature geological wonders
Some EarthCaches can be visited without even stepping out of your car, while others require you to hike, bike or paddle a boat in order to reach them.
Discover Maine’s geological wonders by searching for EarthCaches
EarthCaches are a part of geocaching, which is a popular worldwide activity that involves using GPS coordinates to hide and find caches.
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