Policy Briefing: Congress Eyes FTX Collapse; Empower Your Decision Makers; Finding Your Ideal IT Manager

InformationWeek Leadership careers
November 30, 2022
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Women in IT: Progress in Workforce Culture, But Problems Persist
Women looking to build a career in IT still face multiple challenges, starting with a lack of support in their youth, but female IT leaders can act as mentors -- and inspiration.

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November 2022 Global Tech Policy Bulletin: From Crypto Drama to Europe’s Chip Crisis

The month in global policy tech: Musk and Tesla; Europe can’t find money for chips; Biden in Bali; FTX and Congress; cyber bandits with Lamborghinis; and more.
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3 Ways to Empower Your Everyday Decision-Makers

Here are a few tactics to empower everyday decision-makers with the autonomy to work where they perform best, with the human sentiment data to be successful.
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Finding Your Ideal IT Manager – A New Approach is Needed

IT manager roles have changed dramatically over the past few years. Here are some tips on skills you should (or shouldn’t) look for when seeking out candidates.
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  • Developing and Testing an Effective Breach Response Plan

    When cyber attackers hit your network and your databases have been breached, do you know what you have to do and who to call? What do you tell your customers, employees, and other stakeholders, and when do you tell them? ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Creative Ways to Slice IT Costs
How can IT leaders cut costs when inflation spikes the price of everything? Here are some innovative ideas that might help with overstrained IT budgets -- without giving up the very things they need to operate. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Top Business Needs Driving IT Spending Today
Cutting costs alone won’t save the company in times of economic crisis. So, what will? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Best-Paying Jobs in Data Science
Looking for a career in data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, or data architecture? Here are the roles with the highest salaries. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Cool International Locations for Remote Workers to Consider
If you've negotiated for permanent remote work, are you looking for cheap living, fast internet, a tropical location, and perhaps some adventure? Here are some of the top international locations US expatriates are moving to work remotely. Read More
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