
Hi John,

This weekend two lovely astrology transits merge with Saturn and Pluto.

  • Mercury sextiles Pluto on Saturday.
  • Venus sextiles Saturn on Sunday.

It’s a beautiful activation of the two planets that make up the important core of the stellium in early January – Saturn and Pluto!

Since Saturday’s numerology code activates numbers 19/10/1 and 23/5 (which both reside in the 1-5-7 “Mind” triad), Mercury – ruler of the Mind and Communication – has an even greater impact.

Mercury sextile to Pluto enables your intuition and intelligence to combine as a powerful unit.


Conversations go deeply and touch on the mysterious and hidden, as Pluto dives into the unseen to discover the truth.

You also feel more passionate about what you’re communicating and how you are using language. Bringing the deeper message of your vision to the surface feels really good.

  • Keep in find that this weekend your words have a greater impact, so use language wisely and positively.

Then on Sunday Venus, planet of love and abundance, sextiles Saturn.

Sunday’s numerology code 20/2 and 15/6 also reflects the themes of love, intimacy and abundance - so again we have a Star Code that blends beautifully for maximum results.

Saturn attracts a more serious tone, but a sextile to Venus can be a highly productive period.

Harvesting previous efforts, reaping what you have seeded in the past is one of the wonderful consequences of this transit.

You definitely yearn to feel valued for who you are at Soul level.

And you will value your meaningful personal connections and experiences in a more private way.

If you are in an intimate relationship you and your partner may feel the urge for deeper commitment.

  • Everything you commit to this weekend will be long-lasting.

Business investments are favored, as is paying off debt easily or starting a savings plan.

All weekend long inner security and peace merge with love, responsibilities with abundance and joy to create wonderful results.

Listen closely to your heart for inspiration.

Touch people with a smile, a sweet gesture, a caring word, a hug.

Notice the Divine in everything and everyone.

It’s the perfect opportunity for you to tune into your OWN happiness star code – the message revealed in your Jupiter birth blessings – to accelerate the positive momentum in play now!

  • You were born with Jupiter in a specific house and specific sign in your astrology birth chart.
  • Your NATAL Jupiter placement reveals your natural wealth manifestation gifts.

Each of your 3 Jupiter Wealth Zones reveals precisely how you are personally designed to attract abundance and experience supreme Soul-level fulfillment.

Discover your Jupiter Wealth Code here.

Blessings and Love,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. This is a beautiful weekend! Go deepen your commitment to joyful excellence by activating the divine gifts in your Jupiter Wealth Code.


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  • A fortunate current name attracts opportunities, supportive people and financial flow.
  • A challenging name attracts frustrating situations, unnecessary obstacles and drama. Who wants that?

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