Analog Heartbeat Gauge, Hybrid Saxophone, Desktop Pet Robot
Today's Staff Picks
 Wooden Nanoleaf Light Panels by Giovanni Aggiustatutto in LEDs
Hybrid Saxophone - Working Sax + MIDI Controller
 Hybrid Saxophone - Working Sax + MIDI Controller by AndrewChi 
BioBeat Voltmeter, an Analog Heartbeat Gauge
 BioBeat Voltmeter, an Analog Heartbeat Gauge by ElbowPatchScholar 
Desktop Pet Robot With Arduino
 Desktop Pet Robot With Arduino by TheYantracharya 
LED Ring
 LED Ring by ROBO HUB 
Modern Bird Feeder
 Modern Bird Feeder by ArthurB24 
Solar Powered Car
 Solar Powered Car by CrazyScience 
Jewelry Contest
Noise Maker From a Single Piece of Wood
 Noise Maker From a Single Piece of Wood by BevCanTech 
Mini Spot Light for Modeling Shoots
 Mini Spot Light for Modeling Shoots by svitol 
3D Printed Stamping Markers
 3D Printed Stamping Markers by bekathwia 
Home Automation Using ESP01
 Home Automation Using ESP01 by Steve Willson Kujur 
Embroidered Filigree Earrings "Purple Rain"
 Embroidered Filigree Earrings "Purple Rain" by maillethandmade 
Guitar Pedals - a Homemade Fuzz Effect
 Guitar Pedals - a Homemade Fuzz Effect by Handy_Bear 
Helpful Berry Picker
 Helpful Berry Picker by MORENA DIY 
Light Up Graveyard Display
 Light Up Graveyard Display by technocraftStudio 
Homemade Organic Ice Cream - No Mixer Needed!
 Homemade Organic Ice Cream - No Mixer Needed! by Ms_Iovino_Sutherland 
3D Filigree Wire Christmas Star
 3D Filigree Wire Christmas Star by Cyntimental 
Make Some Noise Contest
CNC Student Design Challenge
Robotics Contest
Project-Based Learning Contest
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