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February 4, 2023

Alabama Business Today
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From the Lede
Work on proposed subdivision in Madison County creating flooding issues, landowner complains
County Commission approves 145-lot development.
By Scott Turner |
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From the Lede
Alabama Business Intelligence Center director Lauren Hyde says the state’s economic future is bright
Hyde says she is “optimistic” about Alabama’s economic future even amidst recession worries.
By Heather Gann |
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Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo misses loan payment, but director confident about strong spring season
The zoo in Gulf Shores suffered a difficult summer season last year which led to slumping admissions. But director Joel Hamilton says he is confident about a rebound in the spring.
By John Sharp |
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Alabama Life And Culture
Wawa is coming to Alabama. Here’s where the first Mobile and Baldwin stores will open
The convenience store chain, which has a fervent fan base, is expanding across the Florida Panhandle and coastal Alabama.
By Lawrence Specker |
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Coffee shop employing people with intellectual, developmental disabilities coming to Birmingham
Bitty & Beau’s Coffee is the brainchild of Amy and Ben Wright and takes its name from their two children diagnosed with Down syndrome.
By William Thornton |
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Mobile Real Time News
Mobile asks employers to say Y.E.S to the job
The Y.E.S Internship programs and the City of Mobile can help local businesses find workers while making connections with young professionals who can gain up to 160-hours of first-hand workforce experience.
By Tinasha Lewis
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