A few days ago... ...I foolishly tried to "muscle through" a moment. And suffered a devastating back injury as a result. As in... "I couldn't put my own socks on, open a door, or get out of bed in under 3-minutes" ...Kind of devastating. Obviously it was a super humbling reality check when the former "GQ Guy" can't put on his own shoes... But luckily... I have my amazing and supportive girlfriend Michelle has been there to help Old Man Craiggy make it through the day. And a ton of amazing clients in the health space who've referred me to the right experts... Helping me go from an 11/10 pain on Monday to a 3/10 today. Even more importantly... This experience highlighted a few key lessons EVERY entrepreneur needs to learn... Because most high-performers think the answer to every problem or challenge is to... "DO MORE AND WORK HARDER" The #hustle mindset that helped us get our first taste of success becomes our go-to in every area of life... We think the answer to slow sales is to work IN the biz twice as much... Or the fastest way to deal with an underperforming team member is to do the work FOR them... Or the best way to lose fat is to restrict all tasty foods and exercise until our limbs fall off... Problem is... You CAN'T muscle through everything. And if you try... Something will eventually break and the problems will only get worse. So today... I want to share five quick "reality check" questions to help you find the areas where you're trying to muscle through... ...BEFORE you break your body, brain, or relationships from too much stress. They are... 1. WHERE am I trying to muscle through? Are you pushing your body too hard in the gym? Working too many hours IN your business instead of levelling up your leadership to work ON the business? Are you moving forward at a break neck pace and relying on more stimulants than Jordan Belfort just to wake up each morning? Remember... you're a human being, not a machine. You can't keep grinding the gears indefinitely without breaking something. Take an audit of your life today and figure out where you're doing too much and what you might need to change. 2. How Long Before Something Snaps? Be honest... How much longer can you REALLY keep the pace you're at right now? Listen... Sooner or later, entropy will always win. If you aren't pouring into your cup, taking time away from work, allowing your body to recover, and doing the things you need to do to feel your best... You WILL break. It's not a question of "if" but "when". And sometimes... It's ok to push yourself right up to the breaking point before backing off. But how much longer do you really have? And more importantly... 3. What Will the Consequences Be? It might seem "noble" to tap into your inner David Goggins and run a proverbial ultra marathon with multiple fractures in your legs... ...But the price you'll pay on the back end is ALWAYS too high. It takes the average entrepreneur 6-12 months to recover from serious burnout. An injury in the gym can set you back 3-4 months (or longer). And your marriage may NEVER recover from pushing too hard in your business at the expense of your loved ones. So before you muscle through because you "can"... ... Take a second to check in with yourself and make sure that you "should". The price of backing off, resting, recovering, and giving yourself what you need might seem high. But the price of pushing too far and breaking your mind or body is always higher. 4. How Can You Solve the ROOT of the Problem? We've all heard the old saying... "When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail". And one of the most important things you can do as an entrepreneur/high-performer is to look for alternative ways to solve the problems you're facing. Because "working more" helped us get HERE... ...We often assume it's the only thing that will get us THERE. But that assumption is wrong. Spend some time thinking about how you can accomplish the same goals with LESS work. Specifically, by asking yourself... 5. WHO Can Help You? Do you need an assistant to get the dirty work off your plate? Do you need a coach to give you outside eyes and hold you accountable to a reasonable level of work/life balance? Do you need a personal trainer to help you stay consistent with your workouts so you have the energy you need? WHO can help you solve your problems when YOU can't solve them by yourself? 99 times out of 100... Asking WHO rather than WHAT will always lead to a better outcome. To Your Success, Craig P.S. If you want my help growing your business in 2020 while AVOIDING burnout or "breaking" yourself... I'd love to coach you to the next level. I've still got a few spots left in my "Millionaire Case Study" program... And if you're an entrepreneur already doing 6-figures in revenue or more... I'd love to help you. Just hit "reply" on this email... Let me know a little more about who you are, what you do, and what your goals are. And if I think you're a good fit, I'll reach out with next steps. |