2016 is a wrap (almost)

Let's toast the biggest moments of the year...

Over the next two weeks, we're bringing you the best deals and events that happened each month this year – starting today with January. Come relive the good times with us, and be sure to keep up with us daily as we'll be mixin' in free stuff too. 


We kicked off the New Year by launching RSD V1.5 beta.

This was a massive update with over 70 updates and tweaks! The highlights included the integration with Color Palette Manager, a handy zoom capabilities, revolutionary flexbox controls, a fresh set of helpful quick tips » plus customizable themes.

Build with RSD

With a code-free workflow combined with rad features like custom breakpoints and vast design controls, this app is the brightest star in the CC kit. Get a copy of RSD today with the $60 discount offered at the start of the year.

Order for Mac
Order for Win

Epic Update


Responsive Site Designer V1.5 was the very first app to offer visual controls for flexbox (yup Adobe, we beat you*). Control how elements are positioned, adjust alignment and size, or instruct items to grow, shrink and wrap based on the display size. 

We wrote a guide » too which includes interactive examples and real design cases.

Flexbox Rules!
People should know that RSD is the best responsive website builder on the market.
— Behero in our forums

New Bundles of Goodness



Hottest Design

The Bahia Theme

RSD Theme

This gem is a fan fav as it showcases stylish photo displays from Content Slider » Using Site Designer users have modified it to fit all kinds of sites like a bakery and an antique stamp retailer. This theme can be found inside RSD » Try it today!

Well that's a wrap for January. Join us tomorrow as we replay the hits from February.

* We added flexbox controls inside RSD Christmas of 2015. Adobe wasn't able to get it done until April 13th the following year — proving CoffeeCup is the clear the leader in responsive web apps.