Hi John, Below are just a handful of some of the fantastic horse racing bets given out by Nawsho Racing over the last 6 weeks... - Pokhara 10/1
- Grand Cru Gaga 11/1
- Postwick 11/1
- Glasstrees 12/1
- Tea Garden 50/1
- Wootton'sun 20/1
- Wadacre Grace 11/1
- Youngest 12/1
- Sporting Icon 10/1
- Robasta 14/1
- Roundabout Silver 12/1
- Hill Cove 14/1
It's winners like this that have contributed to over 100 points profit made by Nawsko members during August and September 2022. Only around 6 weeks as I write! Nawsko is a racing master with over 20 years experience and he decided to proof his racing tips to us back in April 2021. To date we have witnessed over 725 points! We're looking at over £72,500 at £100 a point! Very exciting indeed! Specialising in unexposed horses these top eye-catchers are proving to be right old money makers for backers! Limited to just 75 places available NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT! Get on before the next BIG winner John! Best Wishes, BetFan PS. We will pause the membership once all places are filled. |