July 2020
Common Area Podcast Spotlight

Our latest podcasts reviewing market developments & trends

Hosted by David Bodamer, Editorial Director


How Malls Are Being Used for More Than Just Shopping


In episode of NREI's Common Area podcast, David Bodamer speaks with Lou Conforti, CEO of Washington Prime Group (WPG). WPG is a retail REIT and a recognized leader in the ownership, management, acquisition, and development of retail properties.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How Washington Prime Group is assisting their tenants during COVID-19
  • Ways that the company is helping tenants strike a delicate balance between physical space and e-commerce
  • How the company has brought last-mile fulfillment facilities to some of its properties
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Real Estate Management and Diversity


In this episode of Common Area Podcast, David Bodamer is joined by IREM President Cheryl Gray. They examine how the commercial real estate industry has been having conversations about underrepresented groups for some time.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How the recent rise in protests against racism is leading to to a renewed push in industries to improve diversity and inclusion efforts
  • The obstacles that have faced members of oppressed communities in the past
  • The benefits of having diverse teams
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How the Education Sector is Coping With COVID-19


In this episode of NREI's Common Area podcast David Bodamer speaks with Kevin Wayer, CEO of the Public Sector and Higher Education group at JLL. Wayer outlined some of the specific challenges facing higher education institutions and the ways they are increasingly relying on real estate services firms to manage facilities and monetize assets.

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If you’re interested in learning more about our podcast programs, please reach out to David Bodamer at


Interested in sponsoring any of our editorial podcast series? Contact Marianne Rivera at

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