Write and publish a memoir that readers want to read and share with their friends!
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Writers Market
Write and Publish Your Memoir
Many people feel they "have a book in them," but few ever find (or make) the time to write them. Others make common memoir-writing mistakes, which include making the book "all about them." It may seem counterintuitive, but many of the best memoirs serve more than an audience of one. Here are three memoir book publishers to get you started.
Write an Effective Memoir
Find more success getting your memoir published with the Writing the Memoir 101 course. In this 12-week online course, writers will learn the fundamentals of writing powerful memoirs that are as enjoyable for readers as they are for the writers. Click to continue.
Writer's Market Deluxe Edition 2018
Get the best combination of the latest Writer's Market book with a one-year subscription to WritersMarket.com!
$49.99       $24.99
Memoir Writing Kit
With this kit from Writer's Digest, learn to write your life story or memoir in a way that will delight and engage readers for years to come.
$285.97       $54.99
Guide to Literary Agents 2018
Get the ultimate guide to literary agents with hundreds of listings for literary agents and how to create submissions they'll love!
$29.99       $14.99
Writer's Digest Podcast: James Scott Bell
I've been so excited about the new Writer's Digest Podcast, hosted by Gabriela Pereira. In this second episode, Pereira dives into publishing in the digital age—including the need for diversification—with bestselling writer James Scott Bell. Click to continue.
Advanced Blogging!
Think you know everything there is to blogging? Or do you feel stuck in a blogging rut? Then, check out the Advanced Blogging online course. Going beyond the basics of blogging, this course teaches bloggers how to create a thriving community hub, attract new readership with SEO, and so much more. Click to continue.
Robert Lee Brewer
Robert Lee Brewer
Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Content Editor for the Writer's Digest Writing Community. He edits Writer's Market, directs online conferences, and writes for the magazine and website. Follow him on Twitter @robertleebrewer.
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