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Writer's Digest University
   Write essays about events and relationships. Gain insight from your experience as you explore your reactions and feelings.
Essay Instructor Gloria Kempton
Gloria Kempton has written two novels and eight nonfiction books. She is currently working on a book of essays about her years as a prison volunteer. As the former editor of two magazines and a freelance book editor at major publishing houses, Gloria understands what happens on both sides of the desk.



Starting June 1
Advanced Novel Writing
Writing the Personal Essay 101
Freelance Writing
Writing the Picture Book
Grammar and Mechanics
Starting June 8
BRAND NEW CLASS: Comedy Writing Workshop
12 Weeks to a First Draft
Getting Started in Writing
Writing the Romance Novel
Pulp Fiction
Query Letter in 14 Days
Krista Rea
Krista Rea
Krista is the Online Education Manager for Writer's Digest. She is an avid reader and is always on the lookout for a great new book.
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