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Writer's Digest University

Write Your Story
   The goal of this course is to teach you how to structure your stories, develop your storytelling skills, and give you the tips, techniques, and knowledge to adapt your own life stories into a chronological memoir.

  • Explore an event, relationship, experience or time in your life that is in the shadows ready to come out into the light   
  • Write up to 7,000 words of your memoir
  • Create a solid outline to keep your writing on track
  • Learn how to cultivate your writing strengths
  • Receive feedback on writing assignments
- Upcoming Course Calendar -
Instructor Gloria Kempton
As a former magazine editor, acquisitions editor, and book editor at major publishing houses, Gloria understands what happens on both sides of the desk. In her classes, you will find support and encouragement, as well as honest evaluation of your work.
Starting July 20
Writing the Thriller Novel
Writing the Memoir 101
12 Weeks to a First Draft
Fundamentals of Fiction
Business Writing
Getting Started in Writing
Travel Writing
Starting July 27
Horror Writing Intensive
Blogging 101
Outlining Your Novel
Professional Copyediting
Focus on the Short Story
Form and Composition
Query Letter in 14 Days
Krista Rea
Krista Rea
Krista is the Online Education Manager for Writer's Digest. She is an avid reader and is always on the lookout for a great new book.
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