March 15, 2016
Write Your Way to Forgiveness and Peace & more courses

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

Write Your Way to Forgiveness and Peace by Dr. Sherry Reiter - In this 12 week course with international lecturer and workshop facilitator, Dr. Sherry Reiter, you will explore anger, release it, and move forward with your life. Like fire, anger is neither good nor bad. It all depends on how you use it. Through written exercises you will illuminate the nature of your anger and discover more about how it operates in your life. You will come to understand the shape shifting qualities that camouflage anger and work destructively in your life, often without your consciousness. This course will give you options and alternatives to anger, one of which is forgiveness. Inability to forgive oneself and others is ! a source of self-hatred, feelings of low self-worth, irritability and depression. This course offers techniques to blast through the roadblocks of resentment and anger to find greater inner and outer peace. more

Express Your Raw Truth in Writing by Allison Nazarian - In this 6 week course with author and ghostwriter, Allison Nazarian, you will learn to take the details, situations, feelings, triumphs and frustrations of your everyday life and, instead of avoiding them or making them seem more "interesting," use them honestly in their rawest format as the basis of writing that moves, connects and inspires. Part "Seinfeld" (the wildly popular show about nothing) and part "Writing Down The Bones" (a writers' "bible" for over two decades) popular, this course is the intersection of what is real in our individual worlds and what is universally alluring and connecting for us all. Whether you are looking to write for mon! ey, for inspiration (yours or others'), to find peace or just to vent, this is a great place to begin or continue your writing journey. As you go through this course you will discover new and amazing ways to best use the tools you already possess that help you establish (and stick to!) a new writing habit, write more than you've written previously, figure out why you want (or need) to write and give you some new writing ideas and ways to express your true voice. more

Discover Your Healing Story by Diane DeBella - Through this 4 week course with author and teacher, Diane DeBella, you will be lead to think about how you have been influenced over the course of your life--by your personal circles, by societal and cultural institutions--perhaps in ways you have never considered, so that you may review where youve come from, what has impacted you, and how it is you would like to move forward from this point on. Women today often live their lives governed by "shoulds" that they have never thought to question. It can be painful to realize that what you have always considered to be absolute truths are nothing more than socially constructed norms. When you question those truths y! ou begin to wake up, a process that can be painful, beautiful, and life affirming. This course will help you examine and deconstruct those norms, and actively nurture your genuine self. You will examine the cultural influences that have informed your journey, discover the wisdom to be found in your own personal narrative, and transform unconscious social constructions into conscious personal expression for full participation in a genuine life. more

Book Writing as a Spiritual Tool by Durdana Yousuf - This 7 week course with book writing coach, Durdana Yousuf, is designed to facilitate your book writing process as a path of self-discovery. The course will guide you to use the challenges on the path of writing your book as a catalyst for transforming your life. The course can also be used as a healing process for people who are coping with bereavement and emotional stress, as well as those who want to manifest spiritual transformation in their lives. The lessons will assist you in learning how to go deeper in your meditations, gain the ability to connect with the spirit guides of your choice, and re-witness your Souls learning experiences! . As you learn how to "sync" your ethereal Book of Life with your physical book or journal, you will define the unknown in your Hero's Journey and what you need to overcome to bring home the holy grail. You will divide your life into chapters, read your spiritual book of life, and prepare your physical book of life as you explore the ladder of consciousness, transmute emotions, and encounter the ease of forgiving. more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. 21 Day Yoga Body!
2. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
3. Break the Grip of Past Lovers
4. Manifest Your Soulmate
5. Way of Story Writing Course
6. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
7. Make Yourself a Money Magnet
8. Falling in Love with Yourself
9. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
10. Heal Your Money Karma

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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