Writers - THIS is how you make good money
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Writer's Digest
A Special Offer from our Trusted Partner
Dear Fellow Writer,

13 years ago, I was desperate to find a way to write for a living and still pay my bills.

Every day, I was dreading the constant pressure, commuter traffic, and cubicle lifestyle that came with my job in a large global corporation.

I was miserable but I felt trapped because I was earning a decent income.

However, after a particularly rough week when we had a staffing change and my third new boss in a year ...

I'd had enough. I thought, there MUST be a much more satisfying way to make a living doing what I love: WRITING!

That's when I subscribed to Writer's Digest in the hopes of finding my way out of the corporate grind.

A few weeks after subscribing, I came across a letter that changed my life forever in profound and wonderful ways.

It was a letter about the kind of well-paid writing that's in big demand (and growing), and I didn't know anything about it.

It was the miracle I needed to walk away from a soulless job and still make a very good living. A BETTER living, in fact. With the freedom to work anywhere, travel whenever the mood strikes me, and earn more than I ever made in that cubicle.

That's what I want for you, too.

You don't have to settle for low-paying magazine gigs or long-shot novel hopes

You can still write that novel ...

But wouldn't it be more fun to also support yourself writing for companies that need help in growing their businesses ...

From the comfort of your own home, with your beloved pet or children by your side ...

And on a schedule that YOU set for yourself?

That's what's possible as a well-paid copywriter, which is the type of writing I do now.

Since I made the leap from Corporate America to freelance copywriter, I've been earning six-figures a year (no kidding!) writing emails like this one.

And web pages blog posts ... buying guides ... articles, video scripts, and so forth. All for companies that need this kind of writing EVERY DAY.

Two years ago  the organization that mailed me that life-changing letter became my “home” as I joined AWAI (American Writers & Artists Inc.) as its Director of Copywriting Training.

That's how much I believe in the promise of that letter and everything else AWAI offers writers like you who want to make a very good living.

If this is going to be the year you finally earn what you deserve as a writer I encourage you to read this letter now.

Best wishes,

Pam Foster
Copywriter and Director of Training, AWAI

P.S. Even if you're not focused on making a lot of money every year  you just need extra money each month while you spend more time with your children this letter can help you earn whatever you wish.

You get to choose, which is the beauty of being a copywriter.

This email was sent by: F+W, 10151 Carver Road, Suite 200 Blue Ash, OH, 45242 USA

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