The Barefoot Writer Club
Dear Writer's Digest Subscriber,
It's Rebecca Matter here, from AWAI.
As a writer, you know how critical it is to write every day, no matter what ... even if it's just for a few minutes.
When you have a solid, daily writing habit, your brain is trained to "create on demand." And the moment you sit down in your writing space, you can jump right into the flow.
It makes the whole process faster, smoother, and more enjoyable ... and you have fewer temptations to procrastinate or second-guess yourself as you write.
YET, it's not always easy to decide what to write about ... or feel "inspired" to sit down to do it.
That's why I've designed a little writing challenge to help you build a daily writing habit in just 31 days.
It's called Write Every Day! 31 Writing Prompts to Inspire You Through the Month.
And, as a Writer's Digest subscriber, you can get instant access to it absolutely FREE today:
==> Take the challenge! Get your FREE 31 inspiring writing prompts here.
I know you'll LOVE how it feels to write every day, get more writing done, and jump right into the flow every time ... and these fun, easy, and unique prompts will help you get there.
I encourage you to start your challenge today!
To your success,
Rebecca Matter President, AWAI Publisher, Barefoot Writer Magazine
P.S. If you already have a project you're working on ... a novel, nonfiction book, or paid writing assignment ... these writing prompts will not only help you create a solid, daily writing habit, they can act as a brief "warm-up" for your daily writing session.
You'll spend less time searching for your muse, and more productive time crafting your piece!
Get your FREE 31 writing prompts here!