Discover affinities and motivations for why you write, the most important rule of story, and more!
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Five Writing Perspectives to Be Thankful For

Giving up too soon is dangerous. If you chase the shiny, new idea each time, you lack staying power and you won't be able to write a full, meaningful book because you only write the easy parts. How can you create a proper character arc without some degree of growing pains for your characters? And for yourself? Now, I'm not saying your book sucks if there aren't bumps or bruises. Some books are just gifts. But if you're jumping ship each time you encounter problems, you need to look at your motivation. Continue reading.

Agent Spotlight: Wendi Gu of Janklow & Nesbit
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Literary agent Wendi Gu is open to queries! She is currently seeking children's picture books that are elegant and eclectic, as well as unconventional in their use of mediums. She's also on the lookout for adult literary fiction and nonfiction that speaks to cultural identity negotiation, displacement, and race relations. Read More...
Write Naked
With a mix of craft instruction and personal essays, New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Probst reveals her pathway to success and the inspiration you need to thrive.
$16.99       $8.49
Damn Fine Story
Using a mix of personal stories, pop fiction examples, and traditional storytelling terms, Chuck Wendig will help you internalize the feel of powerful storytelling.
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In DIY MFA, you'll learn to combine the three main components of an MFA  to craft compelling stories, engage readers, and publish your work.
$9.99       $19.99
Develop Daily Writing Resilience to Succeed
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In the still lonely hours before dawn, I plopped into the armchair, elbows digging into the knees of my ripped jeans. I dropped my head into my hands, grabbed a fistful of hair, and growled. After finishing my second murder mystery-my best work yet, or so I thought-the publisher informed me that the plot had a hole big enough to fly a 747 through. Rewrite after rewrite, confusion and frustration mired me. I wailed at the clock and shook my fist at the heavens. Distraught, I didn't know what else to do but give up. Read More...
Three Keys to Selling a Children's Picture Book Biography
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I love picture book biographies. I love reading them and being inspired and thinking, "Wow, that's an amazing story. How come I didn't know that?" And I love writing them. Why? Because picture book biographies are all about inspiring kids to their own greatness. This is important to me. In addition to being full of inspiration, picture book biographies continue to be one of the hotter areas in children's publishing. The educational push of Common Core standards towards teaching and exploring nonfiction has created a market need that continues to grow. This need makes picture book biographies a smart choice for writers looking to break into children's writing. Read More...
Cris Freese
Cris Freese
Cris Freese is the managing editor for Writer's Digest Books and Writer's Market. He edits Guide to Literary Agents (both online and in print) and Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market. Follow him on Twitter @crisfreese.
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