- Write personal essays using special techniques
- Receive feedback on your writing
- Learn how to become your own editor
- Receive an introduction to publishing
Great course. I really appreciated Carolyn's thoughtful feedback. Thank you so much! - CM As a novice essay writer, I was nervous about putting my work in front of a professional for critique, but the instructor was thoughtful and helpful in her commentary. She read my work carefully and made meaningful suggestions, and she never crushed my spirit in any way. - JV |
Instructor Carolyn Walker received her Master of Fine Arts in Writing and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her work has appeared in Crazyhorse, The Southern Review, Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art, and Hunger Mountain. Her memoir, Every Least Sparrow, was released in 2017. |
Krista Rea Krista is the Online Education Manager for Writer's Digest. She is an avid reader and is always on the lookout for a great new book. |