World Socialist Web Site public meeting
Flint, Detroit and London:
Social Crimes Against the Working Class
Thursday July 27 7:00pm
Wayne State University
State Hall room 134
5143 Cass Ave, Detroit MI
The burning of the Grenfell Tower public housing apartment building in London, which killed at least 100 people, is a catastrophe created by neglect and outright criminality on the part of the ruling class in England. As in London, the residents of Flint and Detroit, Michigan are also the victims of social crimes motivated by the mad pursuit of profit by wealthy investors and their political representatives in both big business parties.
In cities throughout the world, modern-day capitalism is condemning the working class to impossible conditions and an early grave. Like the fire in Grenfell, the lead poisoning of Flint residents and the mass foreclosures and water shutoffs in Detroit are man-made disasters, products of decades of deregulation, austerity and soaring military spending that have led to a massive transfer of wealth from the bottom to the top of society.
The fight against these conditions must be based on the mobilization of the working class--black and white, native-born and immigrant, employed and unemployed--in a common struggle against capitalism and for socialism.
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Three weeks after the Grenfell inferno:
Official cover-up and callous indifference