Media Winners & Losers

Yashar Ali

The latest issue of journalist Yashar Ali's newsletter lifted the curtain on who exactly the people are who form the Commission on Presidential Debate -- a relatively unexamined topic gaining in importance as the debates spin into new levels of chaos during the pandemic.

President Donald Trump's positive coronavirus test -- and the growing list of people in his inner circle who have also been infected -- threw a massive wrench in the plans for upcoming debates, and the CPD has publicly battled with both Trump and Joe Biden's campaign over how to handle the debates moving forward. 

But who exactly is the CPD? The list includes a few recognizable names, like former ABC news anchor Charles Gibson and former Sen. Olympia Snowe, but the majority are unknown to anyone outside the political-media bubble. 

That's why Ali's research and analysis is helpful, both for understanding what's currently happening and raising the discussion about what changes might be advisable for future elections.

As Ali points out, the CPD is mostly older (the majority over 70 years old) and white, but the issues with the "clubby, swampy commission board" go beyond mere demographic diversity. 

"[A] bunch of corporate leaders, former federal politicians and think-tank types don't even come close to representing the diversity of American voters," wrote Ali. "No commission of this import should be so unbalanced in its representation."

A worthwhile and timely question, objectively researched and analyzed. That's good journalism.

Sean Hannity

Did Sean Hannity watch Maria Bartiromo's interview with Trump Thursday morning and get inspiration from it? It certainly seems that way.

We named Hannity's colleague from Fox's sister network the Media Loser of the Day yesterday for "her bizarre, sycophantic, conspiracy-fueled interview" with the president. But Hannity astonishingly managed to trump her (pun fully and unapologetically intended).

Trump's call in to Hannity wandered through numerous topics, and he seemed to make an outlandish or unproven claim about every single one -- without ever being really challenged or questioned by the Fox News host.

Among the highlights, errr, lowlights:

Trump refused to clarify when his last negative coronavirus test was, insisted that he was healthy and in "great shape" even as his voice grew hoarse and even broke several times, insisted that he would be fine to have campaign rallies as early as Saturday, ranted about Democrats' plans to end the legislative filibuster while cheering the idea of Republicans doing the same thing, and...

...then he accused Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam of executing a baby. Yep, with those exact words, "executed a baby," he made the accusation twice and Hannity never interrupted or corrected him. 

The fact that Mediaite's Aidan McLaughlin felt it was necessary to expressly write "Ralph Northam did not execute a baby" says a lot about the utterly insane media atmosphere we are currently facing, and Hannity is a major contributor to the nonsense that is permeating the air. 

‘Never in My Wildest Dreams Did I Think He Would Act the Way He Acted’: Chris Wallace Responds to Debate Critics, ‘Reckless’ Trump White House

The A-Block

High five to Hallie

The health of the president of the United States is always a vitally important issue, but especially when he is asking Americans to elect him to second term, and all the more so when he's been diagnosed with a highly contagious and potentially deadly virus. 

That's why the White House's lack of transparency regarding details of Trump's recovery, and specifically the timeline of when he has been tested and the results, is incredibly troubling. 

MSNBC’s Hallie Jackson wasn't having it Friday morning, relentlessly pressing White House Deputy Press Secretary Brian Morgenstern to reveal when Trump’s last negative coronavirus test was, asking him not once, not twice, but six times. 

Jackson didn't have any luck getting an answer from the filibustering Morgenstern, but her questions were fair and valid, and the pressure on the White House regarding this issue must continue until satisfactory answers are given. We're considering her the runner-up Media Winner today and encourage you to watch the interview yourself

What a hack

If Jackson is a runner-up Winner, Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller seems to compete on a daily basis to be the Media Loser. Miller's response to the foiled plot to kidnap and murder Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was to attack Whitmer for saying mean things about Trump, calling her a "complete phony" with "hatred in her heart" for the president. 

It was a contemptible and ridiculous response

Miller, of course, was just taking his cues from the president, who had his own bonkers response to Whitmer, posting his thoughts -- where else? on Twitter. 

Biden weighed in, slamming Trump for "encouraging" the would-be kidnappers and murderers.

Pelosi plots

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi unveiled a plan for new legislation related to the 25th Amendment, by creating an independent commission that would assess a president’s ability to carry out the duties of the office. Read all about it here.

Debate debacle

The presidential debates, like everything else associated with this election, have devolved into a chaos cesspool of wild rumormongering and partisan slap fights.

Trump's doctor boldly predicted that the president would be totally fine to resume public events as early as Saturday, but the debate commission was super skeptical and changed the second Trump-Biden debate on October 15 to a virtual contest

Trump sneered that a virtual debate was a "waste of time," and Biden was game until Trump refused, so he set up his own ABC town hall

Trump's campaign then demanded the debate proceed, in person and as originally scheduled. 

The president also complained about the moderators. Spoiler alert: he prefers his friends from Fox News and talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh

The planned moderator for the who-knows-if-it's-happening second debate, Steve Scully, found himself uncomfortably in the spotlight after a bizarre tweet to Anthony Scaramucci. Scully says he was hacked. Trump, again, is unhappy, and tweeting about it

Chris Wallace, the Fox News host who moderated the first debate and has been the subject of a pile of criticism from Trump supporters, says it's a mistake for Trump to reject a virtual debate

Meanwhile, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany promised that Trump wouldn't leave the White House if he were still contagious. 

Bottom line: we have no freaking idea what's going to happen on October 15, or with the last debate planned for October 22. The only thing predictable about this election is that it will be unpredictable. 


Two reporters from the Daily Caller were allegedly beaten by police in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, according to a video posted by one of their colleagues. The reporters can be heard on the short video clip repeatedly telling the officers that they are press and proffering their credentials, before being thrown to the ground. Watch the disturbing video here

VP debate flies over competition

The debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris was a ratings hit, drawing in more than 50 million viewers, up from the 35 million viewers who tuned in for the 2016 debate between Pence and Sen. Tim Kaine

That was enough to put the debate in the top three most-viewed vice presidential debates. The all-time winner is the 2008 contest between Biden and Sen. John McCain's running mate, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin

Was it the presidential candidates' septuagenarian ages lending extra importance to the characteristics of their running mates, or perhaps the intrigue of the now-infamous fly

Read all the details, including which channel raked in the most viewers, on our premium Mediate+ service here. 

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Morning Joe mayhem

The MSNBC morning show was a bit contentious Friday, with Joe Scarborough repeatedly interrupted co-host Mika Brzezinski, and then returned from an 8 a.m. top-of-the-hour break to mock his wife’s apparent obsession with the 25th Amendment. Watch here.

Editor's worst nightmare

Whoops. Deadline Hollywood had an embarrassing flub Thursday, mistakenly publishing a pre-written article saying that Pence had tested positive for the coronavirus. The story was incorrect and the editors profusely apologized. 

Must See Clip

"Failed leadership"

Dr. Rick Bright was, until the spring, the director of the nation’s vaccine development agency.

He was a top member of the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, until he filed an alarming whistleblower complaint alleging his early warnings about the virus were ignored.

In a staggering and lengthy interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Thursday, he spoke out against the U.S. response to the pandemic. 

When asked why the country is faring poorly compared to others, Bright replied: “Because of failed leadership. Because of a reluctance to admit there was a problem. Because of a reluctance to tell America the truth. Because of a reluctance to take critical actions upfront.”

Watch the full interview here.

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Far-Fetched Dreams of a Trump Landslide
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Wall Street May Be Warming to the Possibility of a Biden Presidency
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