May 16, 2022
Dear Valued Reader,

Lots of readers are asking about Christian DeHaemer's latest teaser pitch for Bull & Bust Report -- he's talking up a company with a "weird yellow room" that will return America to supremacy... in this case, by rejuvenating our semiconductor industry and leading to returns of 9,737%.  You probably already know to be super-skeptical of that kind of promise, but, well, I was still curious about what the stock is -- and this morning we got you some Thinkolator results to chew on, along with some thoughts from yours truly, just click below to...

Free pick every week?


Miss anything last week?  It was a hairy one, no?

Gumshoe's week started with coverage of the "every newborn will use this tech" pitch from Alpha Investor, if you missed that one just click here.

The other high-profile tease that sent a lot of questions our way this week was from Matt McCall, all abouit "V-Tolling" -- wondering what the "Rolls Royce of Air Taxis" might be?  Click here for my take.

We also had another update on Alzheimer's Disease from Doc Gumshoe, always an edifying read... that's here if you missed it.

And we've gotten enough questions about Bill Shaw's "fix Elon Musk's Big Problem" tease for battery royalties that I re-posted that older solution here.

I composed my Friday File during the day when many of our past high-flyers were finally recovering from a devastating week.  I’ve got my usual big picture musings to start you out with, they probably don’t mean anything but my general posture is that I’m more comfortable being patient and nibbling on some favorites at lower prices than I am about trying to catch the bottom in any of the truly destroyed stocks.  I ended up selling a couple stocks, adding to three others, and sharing some updates on half a dozen quarterly reports that matter to me -- just click below for all of that.

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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