Nr. 471 | 11.02.2025

Kurz und kräftig. Die wöchentliche Dosis Aussenpolitik von foraus, der SGA und Caritas. Heute steht der Bürgerkrieg in Yemen im Fokus. Durch ihre Kontrolle über die Handelsrouten im Roten Meer erzielt die ansässige Rebellengruppe der Huthis strategische und finanzielle Gewinne.

Court et percutant. La dose hebdomadaire de politique étrangère du foraus, de l’ASPE et de Caritas. Aujourd'hui, c'est la guerre civile au Yémen qui est au centre de l'attention. En contrôlant les routes commerciales de la mer Rouge, le groupe rebelle local des Houthis réalise des gains stratégiques et financiers.

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Yemen’s War and the Houthi Red Sea Stranglehold 

Yemen remains one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, yet the little global attention directed towards the suffering has shifted to the Houthi rebels, whose Red Sea attacks on Western shipping and Israel — framed as solidarity with Gaza — triggered military reprisals. The January 15 Gaza ceasefire has led to fewer attacks, but Yemen’s civil war continues, with 150,000 dead and 18 million facing food shortages. UN special envoy Hans Grundberg has urged a ceasefire and economic reconstruction, though political will remains weak.

Beyond ideology, the Houthis have attacked targets beyond Gaza, including the Gulf Arab states, and have turned Red Sea disruptions into a lucrative business. Having established a profitable model to extract rents from global trade, they have a strong incentive to continue acting as gatekeepers to the Suez Canal. The UN estimates they earn $180 million monthly from maritime “permits,” doubling their revenue, despite U.S. opposition to non-state actors controlling vital waterways. America’s resources are stretched thin, and regional powers like Egypt and Saudi Arabia remain hesitant to act. The EU’s Operation Aspides is underpowered, while China, benefiting from an arrangement brokered by Iran, ensures its vessels pass unscathed.

China’s ties to the Houthis date back to 2016, when it facilitated talks with Yemeni factions. While Beijing later prioritized Saudi relations, it maintained quiet contact with the Houthis. Now, China’s neutrality and close ties with Iran secure safe passage for its ships, even as 20% of global cargo is rerouted. This strategic positioning allows China to avoid confrontation while benefiting from regional instability, leaving the Houthis firmly in control of one of the world’s most critical trade routes.

Lea Kohli

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Register here
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