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June 20, 2024
Farming to Lose the Least Money
This year, some operations are in an uncomfortable position, especially those with low liquidity and working capital who are going through a transition or significant business investment, uncertainty in landlord relationships, solar pressure and uncontrollable weather. Shay Foulk shares six ways to mitigate loss and pilot through these tough years.
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Spray Your Way to Higher Yields
View Beck’s data-backed answers to some of the most common questions regarding spraying corn and soybeans to improve profitability.

The spread between your break-even with the cost of production model versus the cost of doing business model has never been as far as it is now. Be sure to know your true costs.

Which Budget Model Is Better to Calculate Break-Even?

Block out time for crop scouting so you don't neglect it. Any management and time you lavish on your corn crop as it goes through the pollination period is time well spent, says Ken Ferrie, Farm Journal Field Agronomist.

Corn Pollination: Start Scouting Now And Check Back Often

As of mid-June, nearly 20 counties across four states have reported fields with tar spot. Timing fungicide applications is critical to keep the disease from getting out of control.

How to Time Fungicide Applications To Best Tackle Tar Spot

In 2022, when Alex Harrell said adios to half his land base, yield instantly became even more crucial. Little did he know, the next year he'd break the soybean world record. Timeliness plays a key role in his high-management approach, and drones are a big part of the equation.

Georgia Farmer Reaps Bigger Yields By Focusing On Better Acres
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