Changes in the Content Analysis of Yoast SEO, WordCamp Europe and this week's posts!

Changes in the content analysis of Yoast SEO

This week we released a minor update of Yoast SEO. We received some feedback concerning the Yoast content analysis and decided to act on it. We’ve changed the wording in the content analysis as some of you found content: bad a bit too blunt. For non-english, we’ve made our scoring a bit less strict!

Also, we’ve added the possibility to disable the content analysis all together. We definitely recommend using it, but if you don’t want to, you should not be obliged. If you want to disable the content analysis you can do so in the general settings of Yoast SEO (SEO titles and meta’s general) or on your WordPress profile page in the SEO block. 
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This summer, we’ll release some new readability checks. We’re already working on some new writing products too! These will help you write those awesome and SEO-friendly articles. So stay tuned and optimize your content!

WordCamp Europe!

We're at WordCamp Europe! This afternoon, at 17:30 CEST, Joost & Marieke will talk about copywriting for professionals! They will explain all about optimizing your content and the new features of the latest release of our plugin. Can't make it? Get your ticket for the free live stream!

Get found by your customers!

Are you sure your customers can find your site? Do you keep their attention as well? If you order a site review, we'll make sure you make the most of your site!

Our SEO experts will do over 200 checks and write a customized advice on how to optimize your site. We'll check your site speed, your content, your links and much more! And to make absolutely sure you're site is optimized for SEO, we'll also configure a FREE premium plugin of your choice! This offer stands until June 30th.
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This week's posts: 

Browser caching is the way a browser stores files from your website on a local computer. Browser caching makes sure all files load without unnecessary server connections, which is much faster. It's therefore important to make sure you optimize this browser cache! Michiel explains how that should be done and which tools can be used! »

SEO copywriting can be a daunting process. What are the things you most definitely should do in order to write readable and SEO-friendly content? And, what are the things you should definitely avoid? Marieke explains the most important do’s and don’ts in SEO copywriting! »

More than half of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices. So if you are ignoring your mobile website, you might be missing out on half your audience! Michiel how to test your mobile website yourself! »
  Duplicate content might confuse Google. If your content is on multiple pages on your or other websites, Google won’t know what to rank first! Michiel shows which tools are best to check on duplicate content! »
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