Yoast SEO configuration service & our SEO for WordPress eBook now for only $19

Configuration of Yoast SEO

We’ve introduced a new Yoast SEO configuration service! If you think setting up Yoast SEO Premium is too daunting, we’ll do it for you. If you’re migrating from another SEO plugin: we’ll do that for you too!

You can buy a package of a Yoast SEO Premium single site license plus configuration for $149. If you already have a Yoast SEO premium license, you can buy just the configuration for $80, there’s no price difference.
Yes, I'd like Yoast to configure Yoast SEO for me!

Plan your website like your holiday!

Planning your website is much like planning your holiday. If you rush into things, your hotel might be crappy and you might pay way too much. In this post, we'll share the things to take into consideration for your next website! 

SEO for WordPress eBook sale

SEO for WordPress is our most extensive eBook (containing 225 pages) in which we cover all SEO aspects needed for everyone owning or maintaining a website. It's on sale now for only $19!

Get our SEO for WP eBook now on sale! »
Our eBook can be read from cover to cover, giving you everything you need to know and do to make your site rank well in search engines. We will also cover User Experience, great writing, coming up with ideas and marketing and monetizing your blog. Our eBook is a must have for people who just started out with WordPress, but also a great reference work for those who already know their way around the major SEO topics!

4 Day Marches 

This week, the 100d edition of the 4 Day Marches (or as we say "vierdaagse") are taking place in Nijmegen. Yesterday, on the second day of the march, they marched through Wijchen near our office. The little ones handed out some fresh carrots! Keep up guys, you're half way there!

Get a Complete Yoast SEO pack with our reviews!

Want to optimize your site, but don't you know where to start? If you order a site review, one of our SEO experts will check your site on many SEO aspects like site speed, content and user experience. You'll get a lot of practical tips and recommendations, so you'll know how to optimize your own site! 

If you order a site review now, you'll get our Complete SEO Pack for free! This means you'll get a 1-year-license for ALL of our premium plugins for free!

Get a site review now!
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