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Sunday July 12 2020
YORK outlines precautionary measures for workplaces amid Covid-19
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Empower connects its district cooling networks in JVC and JVT
Watch the MEP Conference 2020 in full
Singaporean indoor air quality tech company launches UAE branches in Dubai and Abu Dhabi
Top 25 MEP Contractors of 2018
Singaporean indoor air quality tech company launches UAE branches in Dubai and Abu Dhabi
With an aim to expand its portfolio in Internet of Things and Green Solutions across Middle East, Tolga Candan has been appointed as regional head of business.
The Big 5 Saudi moves to Riyadh for 2021
KSA currently holds great potential in the construction sector, with over $1.4trillion projects in the pipeline.
Honeywell launches cooling technology for electronics and data centres
New Solstice E-Cooling heat transfer agents cool data centres and other electronic applications with greater efficiency and reduced environmental impact.
Daikin Altherma 3 WS heat pump offers renewable solution for apartment buildings
Synergy between the Daikin Altherma 3 WS and the EWYT-B in high-rise buildings allows heat losses to be reduced.
The most important edition of the MEP Awards
The year 2020 will go down in the history books for many reasons, of that there is no doubt.
Black & White Engineering CEO Mick Cairns describes his firm’s plans for continuity and agility during the coronavirus pandemic
“As a business deeply connected to the technology sector, we have built our company with disaster planning at the heart of our delivery processes.”
Tom Oxtoby
Editor, MEP Middle East
Direct: +971 4 444 3419
Email: tom.oxtoby@itp.com
Anup Nagpurkar
Group Sales Manager, MEP Middle East
Telephone: +971 4 444 3573
Direct: +971 52 895 0931
Email: anup.nagpurkar@itp.com
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