Dear John,
The start of a new academic year always brings excitement and a renewed sense of possibility. As new and familiar courses get underway on MIT’s campus, the OpenCourseWare team is working hard to share MIT’s curriculum with you and the tens of millions of learners worldwide who visit our platforms every year. In the coming months, you can look forward to more course content, videos, and teaching insights. 

John, with every new course publication, video lecture, and teaching resource, OpenCourseWare is here to support you and your educational goals—just as you’ve been here for us. Whether you’ve visited our site, shared our resources with family and friends, or donated to OpenCourseWare, your support makes it possible for us to serve you and your fellow learners at every point in your educational journeys.

If you’re in a position to donate, will you consider giving back to the OpenCourseWare community today? A gift in any amount can make a big impact on the learning experiences of the millions of people who depend on our resources all year long. 
Yes, I want to give to OCW
Thank you for considering a gift to OpenCourseWare. 

With appreciation,

Curt Newton, Director, MIT OpenCourseWare

OCW is part of MIT Open Learning's efforts to transform teaching and learning at MIT and beyond.

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