April 5, 2020
You Can Watch a Ton of HBO Shows For Free Right Now
With a significant portion of the country under stay-at-home orders, HBO is making staying at home a little more entertaining by making a lot of its content free to stream without a subscription.
Free Stuff
You Can Attend Nikon's Photography School For Free This Month
If you’ve been trying to learn how to be a better photographer, April might be your month.
You Can Print This Family-Friendly Version of Cards Against Humanity For Free at Home
If you’re looking for something fun to do with the family while you’re all staying at home, Cards Against Humanity has a new family-friendly version of the game available that you can download and print at home.
Household Hacks
How to Kill Germs All Over Your House
Wipes. Disinfectant. Sanitizer. Bleach. Sprays. What cleaner are you supposed to use where? And which one is most effective in our fight against viruses? Does “99.9.% of germs” include the coronavirus?
Visit Puerto Rico From Your Couch With Lin-Manuel Miranda
While travel is out of the question right now, Puerto Rico is offering would-be travelers a way to take a virtual trip to the island with a celebrity tour guide: Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Toddler Tantrums: A Pandemic Survival Guide
Parenting young children is hard enough. Parenting young children during this pandemic is a whole new level of difficult. Between juggling work, child care and the worries brought on by a rapidly spreading disease and rapidly crashing economy, parents are stretched to a breaking point. No one would fault them...
What We Know About the Coronavirus So Far
Lifehacker Fitness Challenge
What's the Best Home Workout You've Done So Far?
Guys, we need to talk. While my body needs exercise as much as ever, my brain is exhausted. I’m keeping up with strength training on my own, but I have to admit I love the idea of turning over the decisions about how to exercise to somebody on a screen...
The Root
Marsha Ambrosius Reminded Everyone She Sang the Ad-Libs in 'Cry Me a River,' Not Justin Timberlake
Marsha Ambrosius is the shit, in case y’all forgot.
Bunny Day Sucks
I was excited for Animal Crossing New Horizon’s first big holiday. It sounded fun. But it sucks. I hate it. I want it to stop. Leave my island and take your eggs with you, Zipper.
The Coronavirus Outbreak is Making Dairy Farmers Dump Milk, Even as Food Demand Skyrockets
In recent days, social media has been abuzz over photos of large trucks dumping milk, which seems astonishing since the demand for groceries has ballooned in recent weeks due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, the pandemic has disrupted the dairy industry, and is precisely the reason why dairy farmers have...
I Can’t Believe You Fuckers Made Me Solve the Andrew Cuomo Nipple Mystery
It brings me no pleasure to announce that I have solved the mystery of Andrew Cuomo’s nipples.
Sunday Comics: Stay Over There!
Hello! It’s time for Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics. The images enlarge if you click on the magnifying glass icon.
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