Jambo John!

Right now all 3 free videos are up, but only for one more week.

What: End Self-Sabotage, Engage Life's Magic, Live Happier
Why: To share my best ideas with the most people possible
When: This is the final week
Price: Free for Notes from the Universe subscribers and friends

I've had so much fun sharing these videos, best of all have been your comments! We're headed toward 100,000 views in less than 2 weeks. Here are the links that matter:
  1. To watch the free series, each video is about 15 minutes long: CLICK HERE
  2. To get an extra free 30 minute video in which I talk about gratitude, giving, karma, and contrast: CLICK HERE
  3. Already seen the series? Consider my Playing the Matrix online video course, this week it's 50% off: CLICK HERE
If this resonates with you, please don't delay.

Peace, love, and transformation -
Mike Dooley

P.S. John, you deserve more.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© www.tut.com ®
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