TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 29, 2017

You Don't Need to Be a Shrink To Understand Trump's Mind

By Michael Bader, AlterNet

Mental health professionals still have a duty to warn the rest of about the president's mind.  READ MORE»

Chomsky: Imagine a World Without Neoliberals Privatizing Everything in Sight

By C.J. Polychroniou, Truthout

A proposal for a progressive social and economic order for the United States. READ MORE»

How Millions of White Americans Have Bought Into a Racist Myth About Black America

By Ebony Slaughter-Johnson, AlterNet

The media has unfairly held Black communities responsible for the conditions which slavery, Jim Crow, and recent crime laws created. READ MORE»

The GOP's Civil War Has Only Just Begun

By Sabrina Siddiqui, The Guardian

Flake and Corker have fired shots but other senior Republicans are keeping their heads down as Steve Bannon readies an all-out assault on the establishment. READ MORE»

Security Expert Says If Mueller’s Case Is ‘as Strong as It Seems' More Indictments Are Coming

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

Juliette Kayyem told CNN the sealed criminal charges announced on Friday are just the beginning. READ MORE»

The American War Machine Is Already on the Death March Across the African Continent

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

The root causes of the conflicts are the same as elsewhere: environmental destruction, joblessness, war. READ MORE»

4 Prescriptions for an Ailing Body Politic

By Peter Coyote, AlterNet

Our media, our voting rights and our elections are broken and in need of repair. READ MORE»

Why a Grandmother in Rural Texas Used a Frog Secretion to Rid Toxins from Her Body

By Valerie Vande Panne, AlterNet

Amazonian "sapo" tree frog medicine is making its way out of the jungle. READ MORE»

Expert Marsha Rosenbaum on How to Educate Young People About Drugs

By Derek Rosenfeld, AlterNet

It's time for a curriculum grounded in science and harm reduction.  READ MORE»

Whaddya Know, the Bezos-Owned Washington Post Is Publishing Amazon Press Releases and Pretending It's Journalism

By Adam Johnson, FAIR

This is a clear conflict of interest. READ MORE»

How on Earth Is Corporeal Punishment Still Legal at School in 19 States?

By Sophia A. McClennen, Salon

19 states still allow corporal punishment in public school. We are failing our kids by not fighting it. READ MORE»

International Outrage May Have Delayed Further Elephant Habitat Destruction

By Emma Rae Lierley, AlterNet

A rogue palm oil company has stopped clearing the forests where endangered Sumatran elephants live. READ MORE»

8 Fermented Foods to Boost Digestion and Health

By Rachael Link, Authority Nutrition

Miso soup and other fermented foods can boost the number of beneficial bacteria found in your gut. READ MORE»

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